Plugin Configuration and Licensing
This document describes how to embed Plugin Licensing in a TX plugin.
A C++ TX plugin with source code. This plugin is used for integrating the plugin licensing. .NET is also supported.
ARES Commander 2019 SP0 or later (Windows only).
In this document, we name the new plugin SamplePlugin.
You can get the SDK from the OEM Portal. Alternatively, contact
The SDK includes the headers and libraries for the TX module and a sample.
Important Files and Folder Structure
The plugin licensing requires the following files to run in application as a plugin extension:
SamplePlugin.xml configuration file
SamplePlugin folder which contains all dependent modules for this plugin.
The base folder for all Plugins is the following:
X64 → c:\Program Files\Graebert GmbH\ARES Commander 20XX\Plugins
X86 → c:\Program Files (x86)\Graebert GmbH\ARES Commander 20XX\Plugins (x86 only supported until ARES Commander 2022 SP3.1)
The configuration file SamplePlugin.xml is responsible for loading the correct module(s) of your plugin.
plugin_sample.xml has the following settings:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<name>Plugin Sample</name>
<supportpath>C:\Program Files</supportpath>
Item | Description |
name | The name of the plugin. You can use any name. |
version | Any version of your plugin. |
id | The unique identifier of the plugin. You can get the plugin ID from Graebert GmbH. The licensing process requires the plugin ID. |
api-level | The API version of the core, which depends on the ARES Commander release version. For example, for ARES Commander 2019, api-level is 2019. |
module | You can specify one or more modules that you want to load. If you do not specify the modules, the loader assumes it is a TX module. You can also load FRX, LISP modules and .NET assemblies when you add the parameter type="managed". Additionally, it is possible to load customization files such as MNU, MNI, MNS, CUIX, CUI, or XML. |
supportpath | You can specify a support path ( which will be added to the ARES support paths ). Now the modules/files at this path can be accessed without specifying complete path again. |
SamplePlugin.xml also supports Windows Environment Variables like %HOME%, %TEMP% , %APPDATA% etc. and ARES specific Environment Variables like %FX_APPDATA_PATH% ,%FX_APPLICATION_PATH%, %FX_TEMP_PATH% etc., as can be seen in the SamplePlugin.xml above.
Plugin Licensing API
You can create a plugin that includes some free features as well as features that require a license. The plugin license must be checked in the plugin.
To check the license of the plugin in the plugin, do the following steps using Visual Studio.
Add the FxPL.lib library in the project properties under Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies.
Register the module. For example, you can register the module in the constructor of the TX module class:
CFxPluginInfo pluginInfo; pluginInfo._iLicenseID = 12345; // Get this number from Graebert GmbH. pluginInfo._sPluginName = CFxString::from_ansi_str( "Plugin Sample" ); // This must match the XML tag name. pluginInfo._iLicenseVersion = 8; // You will receive this number together with // the plugin ID from Graebert GmbH. //Set StandalonePlugin = true to Register Plugins having their own Licensing. pluginInfo._bStandalonePlugin = false ( By default = false ,plugins using Graebert Licensing ) // Registers the plugin in the system. GetFxLicensingAPI()->registerPlugin( pluginInfo ); // Triggers internet check for a valid license. GetFxLicensingAPI()->activate( true, 12345 );
( StandalonePlugins : Plugins which handle their own licensing and do not use Graebert Licensing )
These are all necessary steps to get it compiling and running with ARES Commander.
Plugin User Interface API
You can use Menu, Toolbar, and Ribbon API from the application. However, for plugins, we provide a simple solution to add items to the Ribbon. For example, you can add one or two buttons using the following API:
Add the FxPL.lib library to the project properties, under Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies.
Create a UserInterface item:
m_pUiItem = new CFxPluginUIItem(); m_pUiItem->_sId = CFxString::from_ansi_str( "ID_PLUGINS_SAMPLEPLG" ); // Use a unique ID to avoid problems with existing ID. m_pUiItem->_sName = CFxString::from_ansi_str( "Sample" ); // The name of the button. m_pUiItem->_sDescription = CFxString::from_ansi_str( "Runs the sample plugin." ); // The description when you hover the button (see status bar). m_pUiItem->_sCommand = CFxString::from_ansi_str( "_SAMPLEPLUGIN" ); // The command to execute. m_pUiItem->_sDarkIcon = CFxString(); // The icon used for the dark style. m_pUiItem->_sLightIcon = CFxString(); // The icon used for the light style.
Register and unregister the user interface using initApp and uninitApp:
When your plugin application loads additional customized menu-xml file, or if they are created at runtime during the start up from a cui-file, then it is required the delete these xml-menu-files during the deinstallation process again. If you these xml-menu-files are not deleted, then the UI of the Ribbon and Pulldown menu can be broken and show entries without functionality or icons.
Plugin Setup and Installation for ARES Commander 2025 x64 under Windows
On request we can provide a template for Inno Setup © (see * below - version 6.4.1) that installs 2 files and the SamplePlugin.xml named SamplePlugin2025.xml to the ARES Commander 2025 x64 - Plugins folder and creates a subfolder with the 2 plugin files.
The Inno Setup example checks:
if the SamplePlugin2025 Plugin is already installed
If ARES Commander 2025 x64 is installed and reads its installation path out of the registry
if ARES Commander 2025 x64 is running
It include an uninstall feature and an icon for the uninstallation of the Plugin.
* Inno Setup version 6.4.1
Copyright © 1997-2025 Jordan Russell. All rights reserved.
Portions Copyright © 2000-2025 Martijn Laan. All rights reserved.