Options to load a Plugins

Options to load a Plugins

Via command

For CFx, .NET, FRX, and LISP.

  1. Launch application.

  2. Run command LOADAPPLICATION and select the .tx, .frx or .lsp file.

  3. Run command LOADDOTNETAPPLICATION and select the .dll file.

Another option to load FRX files is (arxload) command. e.g. (arxload "FxARXTest_4.03_15.frx").

Note: Plugin will not be loaded on restart.

Via Plugins Mechanism

For CFx, .NET and FRX.

Please review Plugin Licensing

Via Options

For CFx, FRX and LISP.

  1. Launch application

  2. Run command OPTIONS command.

    1. Go to Add-Ins and click on New... to select the .tx, .frx or .lsp file.

    2. Apply and click Ok.

Note: Plugin will be loaded. Also when application is restarted everytime, this plugin will be loaded automatically until it is deleted from the options → Add-Ins.


  1. Create MLN file with name of XML in C:\Program Files\Graebert GmbH\ARES Commander 20XX\Default Files\UI\english e.g. application.mnl.

  2. Edit the application.mnl and add a LISP instruction to load the required file e.g. (drxload "plugin_sample_4.03_15.tx"). 

All the above files i.e application.mnl and the .tx files can be created in the respective folders of application in Appdata\Roaming as well.

Launching the application will load the specified files automatically.

Note: Please ensure the plugin can be found in the support folder.

Via Startup.rx

  1. Create the startup.rx in the support folder and add the name of the .tx file that you want to load during the start of the application e.g. RibbonMenuSample_4.03_15.tx.

The .tx file that is added in startup.rx should be copied to C:\Program Files\Graebert GmbH\ARES Commander 20XX\BIN folder.

Launching the application will load the specified files automatically.

Note: Please ensure the plugin can be found in the support folder.

Via startup.lsp

  1. Go to C:\Program Files\Graebert GmbH\ARES Commander 20XX\Default Files\Support and edit the startup.lsp.

  2. Add LISP instruction to load a given file from support folders e.g. (drxload "plugin_sample_4.03_15.tx").

Another option to load FRX files is e.g. (arxload "FxARXTest_4.03_15.frx"). This lisp instruction can also be added to startup.lsp.

All the above files i.e startup.lsp and .tx file can be created in the respective folders of ARESC in Appdata\Roaming as well.

Launching the application will load the specified files automatically.

Note: Please ensure the plugin can be found in the support folder.

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