Icons support for the User Interface
With your own application you usually want to add your own icons. This is one simple way to add it using Qt’s RCC tool.
It requires three steps to get icons available in the user interface.
Create the QRC file
A QRC file is a simple XML file that shows the location of the image files like below. Please see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/resources.html for more details.
<qresource prefix="/images">
Compile the resource file
Compile the QRC file with the RCC tool such as
rcc -binary iconres.qrc -o iconres.rcc
Place the compiled .RCC file into the custom icon location path from the profile settings. By default it is C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\ARES Commander Edition\<version>.
Setting icon for the User Interface
Now you need to change the application XML file in the definitions section. There is the special attribute iconResource that you need to update. Also update the icon names as below.
name="Orbita continua 3D"
You can also set the icon names and resource via CFx API.