Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions



Do I need to create a special customization UI file for ARES Commander or could I use the existing one?

ARES Commander supports a number of customization files like CUI, CUIX, MNU, MNI. So you can use existing cutomization files as needed.

Please see also Customization Guide

Customization via SDK

How to create UI items like menus, toolbars and ribbon using CFx SDK?

There are two samples included in the CFx SDK AddMenuSample and RibbonMenuSample explaining how to create new elements.

How to create Dockable widgets with CFx SDK?

This is explained in the CFx sample DockWidget that can be found in the CFx SDK.


Where can I find details about the samples without going into sample source code?

Source code can be found only in samples. A review of samples you can find here: Examples (CFx)

How to load plugins on startup?

Please check this page Options to load a Plugins


How to debug LISP code? Is there any debugger?

Since XtraTools have been included, the debugging of user LISP routines is blocked. The XtraTools contain protect lisp files, this lead to a general protection of LISP and all debugging functions don't prompt anything to the command line window anymore.

The easiest way to debug LISP in ARES Commander, you rename the C:\Program Files\Graebert GmbH\ARES Commander 20XX\XtraTools\ temporarily to e.g.
C:\Program Files\Graebert GmbH\ARES Commander 20XX\_XtraTools\ and restart the ARES again.

Then you get an error message at the startup:

Startup... Loading main.lsp... OK. Loading LoadXtraTools.lsp... Error: Folder "XtraTools" not found!

Now you can use the tracing command below to debug LISP:

(*settrace* variant [seconds])

The *settrace* function sets the mode for tracing of LISP routines and functions.

The integer value variant may be combined (as follows):






No trace


Display allocated memory.


Display function that caused an error.


Display in case of an error all expressions up to function that caused the error.


Display any LISP expression evaluated.


Display any LISP expression evaluated (each line of code) needs to be confirmed by pressing any key.


Display any LISP expression evaluated. Halts at the end of a line for a certain time specified by the argument seconds. The default value is 5 seconds.

Note: As soon as protected LISP files are loaded, the *settrace* function does not work (by intention). When writing your own programs or when porting you should avoid loading protected LISP files.

Related Functions (LISP Developer's Guide )
trace, untrace

Are pre-compiled LISP files (*.fas,*.vlx ) supported?

No, this is at the moment not supported.

How to ship a LISP program without exposing the program code?

We can provide a tool to crypt the LISP files. Please ask partnersupport@graebert.com


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