Developer's Guide Sample
This section contains examples about how to use the ARES Commander API Libraries.
The Docking Widget sample contains examples for creation of the following commands:
Docking Command which inherits CFxCommand features, such as:
CFxCommand::globalName |
CFxCommand::localName |
CFxCommand::Execute |
Docking Command Module which inherits OdRxModule, the base class that is overridden to create custom DWGdirect applications (DRX modules).
Docking Widget which inherits QWidget features.
The Lisp Functions sample describes the creation of a Lisp Function module which inherits OdRxModule and CFxDocumentManagerReactor features.
It also shows how to register a Lisp function in a drawing.
For OdRxModule class:
OdRxModule::initApp |
OdRxModule::uninitApp |
OdRxModule::deleteModule |
For CFxDocumentManagerReactor class:
CFxDocumentManagerReactor::DatabaseAttached |
CFxDocumentManagerReactor::DatabaseDetached |
OdRxObject::copyFrom |
OdRxObject::isA |
OdRxObject::queryX |
The Editor Reactor sample describes the implementation of a Reactor which inherits CFxEditorReactor. CFxEditorReactor is a subclass of OdEditorReactor. You can use CFxEditorReactor for representing an editor reaction. CFxEditorReactor supports the following functions:
OdEdCommandStackReactor::commandAdded |
OdEdCommandStackReactor::commandCancelled |
OdEdCommandStackReactor::unknownCommand |
OdEdLispEngineReactor::lispCancelled |
OdEdLispEngineReactor::lispWillStart |
OdEditorReactor::sysVarChanged |
OdEditorReactor::sysVarWillChange |
The HelloSCommand sample describes how to create a simple command named HELLO, which prints "Hello World".
It is recommended to know how to set the name of the command and the execute action.
The DrawCirclesCommand sample describes how to create a geometry command.
The MYCIRCLE command draws a circle defined by two points or by specifying a center and a radius.
It is recommended to know how to use a tracker together with a specific draw.
The SelectObjects sample describes the method used to specify objects.
The MYSELECT command selects objects according to the defined selection mode.
The CustomEntity sample describes how to register and use a custom object entity.
A new SPECIAL command is created to apply the new entity properties.
The CircleGripPoints sample describes how to handle a circle grip points.
The GRIPCIRCLE command creates a predefined circle with five grip points ready to be expanded.
The 3D_Solid sample describes how to create a solid.
The MYSOLID command draws a predefined circle and extrudes it to create a solid.
The ObjectReactors sample describes how to create a reactor for selected objects.
The SELREACTOR command lets you select an object to which you want to add the reactor.