Drawing Styles

Drawing Styles


Define your own line styles in *.LIN files located at Default Files/Linestyles/. Line styles defined in these files can then be loaded on runtime via _LOADLINESTYLE / _-LOADLINESTYLE command or within your custom module (see LineStyles sample module delivered with SDK https://graebert.atlassian.net/wiki/x/GgBMRQ)

The syntax in a .LIN file is defined as followed:

You can place comments in the file by beginning the file lines with a semicolon followed by text.

The LineStyle format comprises two lines:
The first line, or header, starts with an asterisk and contains the LineStyle name followed by a comma and a symbolic representation of the LineStyle made up of a string of dashes, spaces, and dots.
The second line, or definition line, contains a geometric description of the LineStyle.
Header: *LineStyle [, LineStyle description]
Definition line: Line segment length 1, Line segment length 2, ..., Line segment length n

The following example shows the definition of a dash-dot LineStyle:

*DASHDOT, DashDot __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __
A, 0.5, -0.25,0, -0.25

The header includes an asterisk followed by the line LineStyle ( DASHDOT ). A comma separates the description (DashDot) and symbolic representation of the LineStyle (" __ . __ . ").

The second line contains the LineStyle's geometric definition.

All definitions of dashes, dots, and spaces are separated by commas:
Dash: The drawing elements are shown as positive figures, for instance 0.5 represents a dash ("pen down") with a length of 0.5 drawing units.
Dot: Dots are shown as 0 values.
Space: Spaces are shown as negative figures, for instance -0.25 represents the space ("pen up") in which no line should be drawn.
The length specifications represent drawing units when the LineScale factor is set to 1.00.

RichLine Styles

Add your own RichLine styles to definition file located at Default Files/RichLine Styles/rlstyles.mln.

TODO: RichLine styles defined in this file can then be loaded on runtime in options dialog via _RICHLINESTYLE command or within your custom module. RichLine styles are also loaded automatically into the drawing if they are set in _RICHLINE command but not loaded at that moment.



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