Questions and Answers
How can I create a session for a new drawing based on a given template?
Copy the template to the designated .dwg name and then call the editor for the new .dwg file
How can I add fonts used by the editor?
Fonts can be added in the on premise version only. It is possible to add shx and ttf font.
Shx fonts can be simply copied to the fonts folder located at
Windows: c:\Program Files\Graebert GmbH\ARES Kudo Server\Kudo\Fonts
Linux: /opt/graebert-gmbh/Kudo-Server/Fonts
Ttf fonts have to be copied to truetype subfolder. If you have several ttf files for one family, it is recommended to use a separate subfolder.
Recommendation: If you know the details about the faces of your font family, you can add that information to xenon.fonts in Fonts folder. If this file does not contain information about the font family, it is read from the ttf file(s). So it is not necessary to add your font to xenon.fonts to load the font but it will increase the performance of loading.