Cloud Crash HTTP Endpoint
Allowed Method:: POST
Request Headers::
x-api-key:: Will be shared by Team Graebert. without this expect a 403 Forbidden
filename:: dump filename generated by the editor server with a .dmp file extension
product:: “xenon-editor” | “xenon-editor-sw” | “xenon-editor-os” | “xenon-editor-tr” etc
hostname:: Ideally the hostname on which the server runs
buildnumber:: the version / version eg: master-1.172.38560.3a91efc.4276863.c1132e8.26bbe05.131c18f or 1.171.2187.a0e70e8.1e20147.7721650.2b49c26.ab0edd6
version:: the version of the editor eg. 1.171.2187.a0e70e8.1e20147.7721650.2b49c26.ab0edd6
environment:: the environment of the deployment
branchname:: stream i.e master/release or a feature branch
RequestBody: Attach the file as binary (0kb files will be rejected)
Example Request::
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'x-api-key: 3TNWQib9NK6LT6BeHHZRU5Gitx8xtub04GHmr8rM' \
-H 'filename: 044aea4f-50c0-dc7c-3b43bce0-4889840d.dmp' \
-H 'product: xenon-editor-sw' \
-H 'buildnumber: master-1.172.38560.3a91efc.4276863.c1132e8.26bbe05.131c18f' \
-H 'hostname: ip-10-10-10-1' \
-H 'branchname: master' \
-H 'version: 1.172.38560.3a91efc.4276863.c1132e8.26bbe05.131c18f' \
-H 'environment: development' \
--data-binary "@/path/to/your/044aea4f-50c0-dc7c-3b43bce0-4889840d.dmp"