FRX Developer's Guide


FRX is a C/C++ API, compatible with ObjectARX®. The application developer only needs to work on code maintenance and implementation of new features for his modules regardless of API. It means, that the switch between both APIs should not lead in any compiling issues. 

Besides different header includes paths and libs, the settings should be identical.

Supported features

  • Functionality of ObjectARX® library related to AcRx, AcDb, AcEd, AcAp, AcCm, AcGe, AcGi, AcGs, AcUt, Ads

  • Custom objects derived AcDb classes

  • Input Point Processing

  • Notification: Reactors

  • ObjectARX® MFC modules: AcUi and AdUi

  • Transaction Management

  • Deriving from AcEdJig

  • Boundary Representation Library (BREP)

  • Hidden Line Removal (HLR)

  • Object Property Manager support (OPM)

  • AModeler


  • It contains the compatible C++ headers organized in folders: include, _impl_include.

  • The FxARX202X_XX.lib files to link against.

VS templates

Following link explains how to start a FRX project from scratch:

Table of Contents