Define your own line styles in *.LIN files located at Default Files/Linestyles/. Line styles defined in these files can then be loaded on runtime via _LOADLINESTYLE / _-LOADLINESTYLE command or within your custom module (see LineStyles sample module delivered with SDK
The syntax in a .LIN file is defined as followed:
You can place comments in the file by beginning the file lines with a semicolon followed by text.
The LineStyle format comprises two lines:
The first line, or header, starts with an asterisk and contains the LineStyle name followed by a comma and a symbolic representation of the LineStyle made up of a string of dashes, spaces, and dots.
The second line, or definition line, contains a geometric description of the LineStyle.
Header: *LineStyle [, LineStyle description]
Definition line: Line segment length 1, Line segment length 2, ..., Line segment length n
The following example shows the definition of a dash-dot LineStyle:
*DASHDOT, DashDot __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __
A, 0.5, -0.25,0, -0.25
The header includes an asterisk followed by the line LineStyle ( DASHDOT ). A comma separates the description (DashDot) and symbolic representation of the LineStyle (" __ . __ . ").
The second line contains the LineStyle's geometric definition.
All definitions of dashes, dots, and spaces are separated by commas:
Dash: The drawing elements are shown as positive figures, for instance 0.5 represents a dash ("pen down") with a length of 0.5 drawing units.
Dot: Dots are shown as 0 values.
Space: Spaces are shown as negative figures, for instance -0.25 represents the space ("pen up") in which no line should be drawn.
The length specifications represent drawing units when the LineScale factor is set to 1.00.