User Profile
Kudo retrieves/saves some profile settings for the current user as JSON by GET/POST \/users API calls. See API Documentation for the format specification. These settings override settings from the default profile (see
Following settings can be override per user by the API:
Display preferences (preferences_display)
graphicswinmodelbackgrndcolor (string) - Background color of the model space; current supported values: “White” or “Black”
propertieswindowdisplaymode (string) - Properties panel icon/label display mode; valid values:
“0“ - Icons only
“1” - Labels only
“2” - Icons and Labels
Properties/Layer panel settings (window)
edit (object) - Panel settings in edit mode
view (object) - Panel settings in view mode
edit/view objects contain
dockwidgets (object) - Object that contains propertywindow object for properties panel settings and layerwindow object for layer panel settings
each panel object has settings:
h (string) - Double factor as a string that is used to calculate initial height of the panel relative to editor window size
iscollapsed (string) - Determines the initial state of the panel on drawing load; “true” if the panel should be in collapsed state, “false” if it should be open
System variables (variables)
dynasnap (string) - Controls the visibility of the EntitySnap (ESnap) cues and tooltips. The value can be a sum of the following bit codes:
0 - Turns off the ESnap cues and tooltips
1 - Turns on the ESnap cues
2 - Turns on the ESnap tooltips
polarang (string) - Sets the polar angle increment for Radial Guides (RGuides). Angle values can be 90, 45, 30, 22.5, 18, 15, 10, and 5 degrees.
osmode (string) - Sets permanent EntitySnaps so that you do not need to invoke entity snap options explicitly as you draw. To set more than one EntitySnap mode, specify the sum of the following bit code values:
0 - None (Disables EntitySnap)
1 - Endpoint
2 - Midpoint
4 - Center point of arcs and circles
8 - Node (insertion point of text, blocks, attribute definitions, and anonymous blocks like dimensioning and hatching)
16 - Quadrant of arcs and circles
32 - Intersection point
64 - Insertion point
128 - Perpendicular to
256 - Tangent to
512 - Nearest point on entity
1024 - Clears all entity snap settings
2048 - Apparent intersection
4096 - Extension
8192 - Parallel