ARES commander provides C++ plugin which lets you author third party Plugin Software for ARES Commander.
The CFx examples can be found in the folder \ARES Commander 20** SDK\Samples\CFx\. Open the solution file CFxSamples.sln and
follow the steps “How to Create a Sample C++ plugin and build,load the plugin ”.
- Add a new C++ project(Empty project) using visual studio 2015
as SampleCommand in ‘\ARES Commander 20** SDK\Samples\CFx’
- Header Section: Create the following header files:
1. SampleCommand.h - Create SampleCommand class with global and local command names
2. SampleCommandModule.h - Create a new module for SampleCommand with InitApp, uninitapp and object to represent the command
3. stdafx.h - File to include all the standard system include files/project specific include files that are frequently used
- Source Files : Create the following C++ files :
1.SampleCommand.cpp - c++ file to create commands that can be called from ARES commander
2. SampleCommandModule.cpp - Defines entry and end point for the DLL application
4. stdafx.cpp - source file that includes just the standard includes
Now for the C++ sample plugin to work certain configurations has to be done.
- Open SampleCommand property page and set Configuration → Release and Platform→ choose appropriate platform (in this example it is x64)
- Additional Include and Library Directories - Need to include Libraries and Include files from ARES SDK folder.
- Additional Dependencies: linking appropriate libraries that implement ARES Commander plugin API. Libraries are located on your drive,
in \Program Files\Graebert GmbH\ARES Commander 20** SDK\Libraries\dd_lib
- Change extension of output and other properties as shown in the below image
The shared library containing the subclass of OdRxModule, should be named < application name >.tx.
- Define _TOOLKIT_IN_DLL macro
Go to C:\Program Files\Graebert GmbH\ARES Commander 20**\BIN and find the files named TD_Db_*.dll;
In our example, it is named TD_Db_4.03_14.dll. You must add the suffix _4.03_14 to your output .dll name to make it load normally.
- Build SampleCommand project and Open ARES Commander and use the APPLOAD command to load your application:
In our example, we have SampleCommand_4.03_14.tx as result.
If there are no errors, a confirmation message displays as successfully loaded with the output of the project