We provide an endpoint to run a script on a drawing and an endpoint to request the status of a script job.
Run a script job
GET /startScriptJob
Query params
Source Data: One is required
file - Identifier of designated file in backend system
fileUrl - URl to the file to open. Read only access (optional to the file parameter)
Optional for “file” Source
sessionId - Session id (optional, will be passed in header of requests to the API server)
token - Token (optional, will be passed in header of requests to the API server)
API Server
server - API backend to connect to; see API Server: Connecting ARES Kudo to a data backend (SaaS: not required if your files are loaded from S3 content bucket)
Partner Authentication (SaaS version only)
auth - application id associated with the partner (not require if wrapped into api token)
userId - partner defined user id
File Conversion / Export (On-premise version only)
Note: file conversion can be achieve also with SaaS version by running appropriate commands from script, see PDF Creation and Format Conversion
outputPath - optional path to store resulting file(s) like script output and all files generated by the script (e.g. an exported pdf file); if not specified the files are written to current working directory
fileType - PDF (coming soon with 1.151: DWG, DXF, PNG, SVG, BMP, JPG)
dwgVersion - 2018, R32, 2013, R27, 2010, R24, 2007, R21, 2004, R18, 2000, R15 (only for DWG and DXF)
script - Url of the script file (Saas: mandatory; On-premise: if specified fileType is ignored)
scriptOutputFile - It specifies the filename where the script output is written to (optioanl; SaaS: The file is also uploaded to partner S3 content bucket logs folder)
Resources (optional)
resourceBundleURL - It specifies the location (URL) of a zip bundle that we download and extract to a specific location in the application's session folder
Output bucket (SaaS version only - optional)
storageBucket - it specifies designated output S3 bucket where the resulting file(s) like script output and all files generated by the script are uploaded to (if not specified the default S3 content bucket that is associated with your application identifier is used)
storageBucketRegion - region the storageBucket is located in
Text: JobID::{jobId}
jobId - unique job id that can be used to request job status.
Script file
Is a text file with extension *.scr that contains commands to execute.
Important: The script should always end with _EXIT command to make sure the server session is exited properly.
_CIRCLE 15,15 5 _CIRCLE 25,15 5 _EXIT
Get script job status
GET /scriptJobStatus
Query parameters
jobId - job id returned by start script job request
auth - application id associated with the partner (Saas version only)
Text: Job Status::{status}
status - job status (Started, Failed or Successful)
Script job output
If scriptOutputFile parameter was provided with /startScriptJob request, a file with this name will be uploaded to partner’s S3 content bucket (or optional storageBucket) logs folder.
If the parameter was not passed, a default output file named {file}.txt will be created.
Considerations for self hosted version
wt_config.xml for job storage table (dynamodb assumed). Set to empty for local storage and disable aws access.
<property name="scriptDb"></property> <property name="aws-access">false</property>