The SDK is shipped as an archive that only needs to be unpacked. All sample applications are ready as Debug build only. The SDK includes all relevant files, libraries and frameworks that are required to compile the sample project. It is only necessary to open the sample project with Android Studio and run the following steps to get started:
Install Xcode 12 or later
Open the iOS sample project
Start Xcode -> File -> Open… -> Choose “YOUR_INSTALATION_FOLDER”/Samples/CFx/ARESSimplified.xcodeproject/ -> Open
Start a Terminal, go to /YOUR_PACKAGE_OUTPUT/AresSamples/Samples/CFx and run “open -a xcode “ARESimplified.xcodeproj””
Signing certificate for Release
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Note: All used bundle identifier are for demonstration purpose only and are not designed for production. Please register your own app and bundle identifier via the Apple Developer console.
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