approot (mandatory):
Set application root directory. Path can be absolute or relative to working directory. If not moved approot directory is located at /opt/graebert-gmbh/Kudo-Server/Resources
docroot (mandatory):
Set the HTML root directory for static files. Path can be absolute or relative to working directory. If not moved docroot directory is located at /opt/graebert-gmbh/Kudo-Server/Resources
http-address (mandatory):
Set server address as IPv4 (e.g. or IPv6 Address (e.g. 0::0)
http-port (optional):
Set HTTP part (e.g. 80); if not set default value “80” is used.
deploy-path (optional):
Location for deployment. If not set default value “/” is used.
Example path (called from /opt/graebert-gmbh/Kudo-Server/Linux/):
Kudo-Server --http-address= --http-port=8081 --deploy-path=/editor --docroot=../Resources/docroot --approot=../Resources/approot
That makes server available at http://localhost:8081/editor from local host. Opening endpoint without parameters should give you a message “No file selected for opening.” what shows you editor application is running properly. See “Open files” section how to open a drawing file.