The DWG Expert addresses the possibilities to customize the core features especially in the ways to introduce more powerful tools to the UI part of the application.
List blocks from external sources
Insert blocks from external sources
Create a custom UI for command prompts
Access entity properties
DWG Expert - List blocks from external sources OBJ-C C++
To accomplish a feature like a block library the DWG Expert introduces a simple block container. The block container is a NSMutableArray that stores the block definition name and a corresponding thumbnail. The block container is created and initialized with all blocks from the assets calling -(void)BuildBlockLibrary when CFxARESDelegate triggers onInitializationDone(). The method onInitializationDone() is called only once each application session. The block container uses -(UIImage*)getDrawingThumbnail:(NSString*)drawing from singleton CFxARESInstance to create a block preview.
-(void)onInitializationDone { ... [_application BuildBlockLibrary]; }
File: AppDelegate.m
@interface AppDelegate () { ... NSMutableArray* m_BlockLibrary; } -(void)BuildBlockLibrary { // Prepare block library. NSString *bundlePath = [[aresDelegate resourceBundle] bundlePath]; NSString *dwgSamplesPath = [bundlePath stringByAppendingString:@"/Support/Samples/Blocks"]; NSArray *filePaths = [NSBundle pathsForResourcesOfType:@"dwg" inDirectory:dwgSamplesPath]; m_BlockLibrary = [NSMutableArray array]; for ( NSString* drawing in filePaths ) { BlockDefinition* block = [[BlockDefinition alloc] init]; block._blockFilePath = drawing; block._blockName = [drawing lastPathComponent]; block._icon = [[CFxARESInstance instance] getDrawingThumbnail:drawing]; [m_BlockLibrary addObject:block]; } }