Partner Web Application → Kudo Editor iframe
Message data sent to iframe is expected to be a JSON object with a messageName string and some message dependent strings.
messageName: "nameOfTheMessage",
Supported messages
Run a command in Kudo:
where resultMessage: if specified, a message with this name is posted to the iframe parent when command execution is done
and messageId: if specified, it is passed to the resultMessage
const message = {
messageName: "runcommand",
commandString: "_YourCommand",
resultMessage: "nameOfPostedResultMessage", //optional
messageId: "messageId" ;//optional
const iframe = document.getElementById("cadcontent");
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(message, '*');
You can also pass parameters to your command like this:
commandString: "_YourCommand Param1 Param2"
Note: Only whitelisted commands are allowed to be run from the client side by runcommand message. To whitelist a command, add it to Default Files/OEM Commands/commands.xml (see Customization package and
Execute the passed Lisp expression:
where resultMessage: if specified, a message with this name is posted to iframe parent when lisp execution is done
and messageId: if specified, it is passed to the resultMessage
Event types: commandEvent, sysVarEvent, lispEvent, drawingEvent, selectionEvent, drawingModifiedEvent
You can find available events on the event page. See page for more details about events.
Register for receiving different types of additional events notifications.
where eventName will be the event type which you want to register:
Deregister to stop receiving different types of additional events notifications.
where eventName will be the event type which you want to deregister:
Upgrading: To change from View mode to Edit mode
Downgrading: Change from Edit mode to view mode
You can update the drawing state using send post message from iframe parent
where state can be “view” or “edit”
setvariable **
Change a variable value
Trigger creation of drawing description