Reporting FRX Issues

Reporting FRX Issues

(also available as help article under Intercom)

During the porting of the plugin sources to FxARX, you could face problems such as, compiling issues, crashes or unexpected behavior in plugin functionality might occur.

To allow Graebert team to analyze and verify the problem, you must provide the following information:

[Please, report the below details to your contact @ Graebert or directly send us an email to support@graebert.com ]

Compiling Issue

Add the following information to the issue description:

  • The function, class, class member, or macro that is missing or causing the compiling issue.

  • Compiling error information.

  • A description of the expected result or behavior.

  • A simple example where the compiling error can be reproduced.

Runtime Issue

Add the following information to the issue description:

  1. Information about the functions and classes that cause the issue. 

  2. A simple example where the issue can be reproduced. Add to the issue description:

    • A description of what the example does.

    • If it is necessary, attach a DWG that can be used with the example plugin to reproduce the issue.

    • The detailed steps to reproduce the problem using the example. For instance, commands to use, buttons to click in the ribbon, menu, or toolbar, entity to select.

    • Expected behavior and results. Differences between ARES Commander version and AutoCAD version results.

  3. If the issue is a crash in ARES Commander, attach the generated crash report.

Other Considerations

  • FRX was developed by Graebert GmbH and it is available for ARES Commander Edition only.

  • Customer FRX modules requires a closer work with the user to investigate missing functionalities. Additionally, it is necessary to test if the implemented functionalities work correctly.

  • For Graebert GmbH internal reports, use JIRA bug tracker:

    • Component: API - .NET (if it is related to .NET) or API - FRX (for ARX issues)

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