JOB and Script
Job is an automated task ran out of a command line script. The job is composed by the Input File, the Environment, that is the Automation Package where the script and all support and dependencies are stored and the configuration that maps all the file locations and variables to be passed to the script.
The script is loaded to a session of ARES Commander providing the command lines to be executed.
What can be done by the script on ARES CLI?
Run directly simple (Direct Input Commands) command lines:
Run Scripted Commands:
(setq OUTPUTDWG "FileName.dwg")
(command "RECTANGLE" "3C" "0,0" "0,10" "10,10")
(command "SAVEAS" "R32" "OUTPUTDWG" "Y")
Load and execute LISP commands and Plugins
(defun c:CLIsamplerectangle ()
(command "RECTANGLE" "3C" "0,0" "0,10" "10,10")
Pass parameters to the script via Configuration file (JSON)
Configuration File
Parameters mapped on Configuration File
The environment is the Automation Package. It is a zip file containing the script to be ran, support files and all dependecies necessary to run the script.
The Enviroment could be structured in folders and subfolders and its content needs to be mapped on the configuration file, pointing out the location of the files on the .zip.
The configuration file is a JSON format text to be pasted on the box while creating the job. This file maps all support files and variables to be used on the script.
This file is separated in Sections and subsection where the variable should be filled or created. There is some default sections and variable such as script
that are mandatory to be filled. Also it is possible to create new variable to be used on the script passing values and options to the commands.
Variable with file location might be filed with the relative path from the .zip file. The CLI webservice will recognize this path and recreated this structure inside ARES CLI server.
Input File
Input File is the file to be processed. This file needs to be uploaded on the Files tab and it should be selected on the job creation.