The approot folder you need to pass when starting the Kudo server contains wt_config.xml that configures some application settings. For most settings/properties it is recommended to keep the default settings. But some properties can be changed without any risk and you might want to tweak them for your needs. We recommend to backup original wt_config.xml if you plan to make changes, just for the case you need to restore it.
Here is a description of application settings:
We strongly recommend to not change these settings. You might break application.
Here is a description of application properties:
Profile-storage, server-side-rendering, webgl-rendering, dbhost, generate-pan-images, show-menu
Obsolete or not use
Specifies if cursor is drawn on client side, true by default. Do not change this. It will only slow down UI experience.
editorURL, scriptURL, iconURL, qtresourcesURL, resourcesURL, favicon
Editor static resource locations. Do not change this. Resources might not be found anymore
Some events are logged only if true. It is only used when call editor url with &debug=true
If true, JS errors are logged to trackJS.
If true, changes are saved as deltas (only differences) instead of full drawing. Default is false. Do not change this as deltas are not fully supported at the moment.
Only used if use-deltas is true. It determines after how many changes a full drawing snapshot is stored.
Only used if use-deltas is true. It determines if full drawing snapshot is stored on exit.
Only used if use-deltas is false. It determines after how many changes the drawing is automatically saved.
Only used if use-deltas is false. It determines how many seconds have to be passed between two save operations.
Only used if use-deltas is false. It determines after how many seconds the drawing is automatically saved also if there are less than dwg-snapshot-period changes
Timeout of API calls to download/upload files. Default is 120 seconds. It determines when API calls are aborted. It is not so relevant if running local API server as this should be always available and fast.
If true, timing of some API calls are logged to a statsd server that is specified by statsd-server, statsd-port and statsd-prefix. Nothing will be logged if statsd server is not valid.
mem_limit, rlimit_as
Not used in Server edition.
This is used to verify if a JS message is accepted. Only messages from this origin are handled.