The SDK offers two ways to achieve zooming the active view. The miscellaneous topics refer to all described sample apps and do not specify 100% executable source code. Please read topics about DWG Viewer, DWG Editor and DWG Expert first.
Existing commands
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The other way is to write custom C++ code that requires some more actions but has more potential regarding when and how it is executed. The first step is to specify a native Java method that can be called from the app side but must be implemented on C++ side. This native method can be linked with a onClickListener() of simple Button. When the View is updated programmatically without a core command, it must be executed from the working thread and the refresh refreshing of the GA ( graphics area ) must be addressed manually. The JNI method accesses the C++ part of the applicationĀ and must be executed within the working thread. A suitable method runOnWorkingThread() is provided by CFxARESInstance.instance() .
Refreshing the GA can be achieved with a modeless operation. The modeless helper class CModellessOperationHelper is implemented as a guard. When the object is getting destroyed it takes care about refreshing the graphics area.
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public static native void ZoomFit(); |