Swagger open api macro |
swagger: "2.0" info: version: "0.0.1" title: ARES Kudo API server # during dev, should point to your local machine host: localhost:3000 # basePath prefixes all resource paths basePath: /api # tags: - name: ARES Kudo Required description: Required APIs to load and store a drawing - name: ARES Kudo Optional description: Optional APIs to improve interactions for loading and storing a drawing - name: File Sessions description: Optional File Session Handling - name: Commenting description: API support for commenting panel - name: User Sessions description: Optional User Session Handling - name: Block Library description: API support for Block Library schemes: # tip: remove http to make production-grade - http - https # format of bodies a client can send (Content-Type) consumes: - application/json # format of the responses to the client (Accepts) produces: - application/json parameters: fileId: name: fileId in: path description: The id of the file required: true type: string libId: name: libId in: path description: The id of the library required: true type: string itemId: name: itemId in: path description: The id of the block required: true type: string ownerType: name: ownerType in: header description: Type of the library (PUBLIC/USER/ORG) required: false type: string sessionId: name: sessionid in: header description: the user sessionId required: true type: string threadId: name: threadId in: path description: the comment thread required: true type: string markupId: name: markupId in: path description: the markup required: true type: string commentId: name: commentId in: path description: the comment required: true type: string attachmentId: name: attachmentId in: path description: the attachment required: true type: string optionalSessionId: name: sessionid in: header description: the user sessionId required: false type: string paths: /library/blocks: parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" - $ref: "#/parameters/ownerType" x-swagger-router-controller: blocks get: description: Returns block libraries operationId: libraries_get tags: - Block Library responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LibrariesResponse" default: description: Error schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /library/blocks/{libId}/items: parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/libId" - $ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" x-swagger-router-controller: blocks get: description: Returns blocks of a library operationId: blocks_get tags: - Block Library responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: "#/definitions/BlocksResponse" default: description: Error schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /library/blocks/{libId}/items/{itemId}/content: parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/libId" - $ref: "#/parameters/itemId" - $ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" - in: query name: fileType required: false default: "dwg" type: string x-swagger-router-controller: blocks get: description: Returns block file operationId: block_getfile tags: - Block Library produces: - application/octet-stream responses: "200": description: Success default: description: Error schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /library/blocks/{libId}/items/{itemId}/thumbnail: parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/libId" - $ref: "#/parameters/itemId" - $ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" - in: query name: fileType required: false default: "png" type: string x-swagger-router-controller: blocks get: description: Returns block thumbnail operationId: block_getthumbnail tags: - Block Library produces: - application/octet-stream responses: "200": description: Success default: description: Error schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /files/{fileId}/diffs: parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: files getpost: description: ReturnsCreate/Update a file content # used as the method name of the controller operationId: diffspost_getfile deprecatedtags: true tags: - ARES Kudo Required - ARES Kudoconsumes: Optional responses: - multipart/form-data "200"parameters: - descriptionin: Successheader schemaname: fileId requireddescription: ID of the file (New file will be created if this value is not -specified) status required: false - baseContent type: string properties: - in: formData status name: file required: true type: string type: file responses: default: "ok" "200": baseContentdescription: Success typeschema: string descriptionrequired: Base64 encoded content of file - id # responses may fall through to errors - filename "404": - description:isNewFile Error schema: - changeId $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" putproperties: description: Update file content id: # used as the method name of the controller operationIdtype: diffs_putstring deprecated: true tagsfilename: - ARES Kudo Optional parameterstype: string - name: body isNewFile: in: body requiredtype: trueboolean schema: changeId: required: type: string - baseContent # responses may fall through to errors properties: default: baseContentdescription: Error schema: type: string $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /files/{fileId}/data: descriptionparameters: Base64 encoded content of file - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" responses: - $ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" "200": # binds a127 app logic to a route description x-swagger-router-controller: Successfiles get: schema: description: Returns file content # required:used as the method name of the controller operationId: -data_get status tags: - changeIdARES Kudo Required produces: properties: - application/octet-stream statusresponses: "200": type: string description: Success # responses may fall through default: "ok"to errors "404": changeId: description: Error typeschema: string # responses may fall through to errors default: description: Error schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /files/{fileId}/xref/search: parameters:# binds a127 app logic to a -route $ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" x-swagger-router-controller: files post: description: Create/Update a fileXRef search # used as the method name of the controller operationId: postxref_filesearch tags: - ARES Kudo RequiredOptional consumesparameters: - multipart/form-data$ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: parameters:"#/parameters/optionalSessionId" - inname: headerbody namein: fileIdbody descriptionrequired: IDtrue of the file (New file will be created if this valueschema: is not specified) required: false type: string- path - in: formData properties: name: file path: required: true type: filearray responses: "200"description: xrefs paths to search description: Success schemaitems: required: type: string responses: - id "200": - filename description: Success schema: - isNewFile type: array - changeId propertiesitems: idtype: object properties: type: string filenamepath: type: string isNewFile files: type: array boolean changeIditems: type: stringobject # responses may fall through to errors properties: default: description: Error "_id": schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /files/{fileId}/data type: string # responses may fall through to errors default: parameters: description: Error - $refschema: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parametersdefinitions/optionalSessionId"ErrorResponse" /files/{fileId}/preview: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: files getpost: description: Returns file contentOptionally handle receiving updates previews # used as the method name of the controller operationId: datapreview_getpost tags: - ARES Kudo RequiredOptional producesparameters: - application/octet-stream$ref: "#/parameters/fileId" responses: "200":- $ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" - descriptionin: SuccessformData # responses mayname: fallfile through to errors "404":required: true descriptiontype: Errorfile responses: schema: "200": $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" description: /files/{fileId}/xref/search:Success # binds a127 app logic toschema: a route x-swagger-router-controller: files posttype: object description: XRef search properties: # used as the method name of the controller operationIdstatus: xref_search tags: -type: ARESstring Kudo Optional parameters: - $refdefault: "#/parameters/fileIdok" - $ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" responses may fall through to errors - name: body default: in: body description: Error required: true schema: required$ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /files/{fileId}/info: # binds a127 app logic -to patha route x-swagger-router-controller: files propertiesget: description: Returns file information path: # used as the method name of the controller typeoperationId: arrayinfo_get tags: - description:ARES xrefsKudo pathsRequired to search parameters: - items$ref: "#/parameters/fileId" type: string- $ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" responses: "200": description: Success schema: typerequired: array items: - status type: object properties: pathstatus: type: string filesdefault: "ok" typefilename: array type: string items: folderId: type: object string owner: propertiestype: string # responses may fall through to errors "_id401": description: User is not autenticated typeschema: string # responses may fall through to errors$ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" default"404": description: Error File is not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /files/{fileId}/previewsession: # binds a127 app logic to a route parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" x-swagger-router-controller: files_sessions postget: description: Optionallyget handle receiving updates previewsfile sessions # used as the method name of the controller operationId: previewsession_postget tags: - ARESFile KudoSessions Optional parametersresponses: - $ref"200": "#/parameters/fileId" - $refdescription: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId"Success - inschema: formData # name:a filepointer to a definition required: true $ref: "#/definitions/SessionsResponse" type: file # responses may fall through to responses:errors "200"default: description: SuccessError schema: type$ref: object"#/definitions/ErrorResponse" post: propertiesdescription: Create file session. Sessions need to be either of type "view" or "edit" status: # used as the method name of the controller type: string operationId: session_post tags: default: "ok" - File Sessions # responsesparameters: may fall through to errors - name: body default: in: body description: Error required: true schema: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /files/{fileId}/info: required: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: files- mode get: descriptionproperties: Returns file information # used as the method name ofmode: the controller operationId: info_get tagstype: string - ARES Kudo Required parametersdescription: Type of session requested - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $refenum: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" [view, edit] responses: "200"fileId: description: Success type: string schema: requireddescription: fileId for the file for which the session is being requested - status responses: "200": type: object description: Success properties: schema: status: required: type: string - status default:- "ok_id" filenameproperties: status: type: string type: folderId:string typedefault: string"ok" owner"_id": type: string # responses may fall through to errors "401"default: description: User is not autenticatedError schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": delete: description: delete Filefile issession not found # used as the method name schema:of the controller operationId: session_delete $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /files/{fileId}/sessiontags: # binds a127 app- logicFile toSessions a route parametersresponses: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId200": - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" description: Success x-swagger-router-controller: files_sessions getschema: description: get file sessions # a pointer to #a useddefinition as the method name of the controller operationId: session_get$ref: "#/definitions/SessionsResponse" tags: # responses may fall through to errors - File Sessions default: responses: "200"description: Error descriptionschema: Success schema:$ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /auth: # binds a127 app logic #to a pointerroute to a definition x-swagger-router-controller: auth get: $refdescription: "#/definitions/SessionsResponse" validate user session # responsesused mayas fallthe throughmethod toname errorsof the controller defaulttags: - User description:Sessions Error operationId: auth_get schema: parameters: - $ref: "#/definitionsparameters/ErrorResponseoptionalSessionId" post responses: description: Create# fileresponses session.may Sessionsfall needthrough to beerrors either of type "view" or "edit200": # used as thedescription: methodSuccess name of the controller operationIdschema: session_post tags: type: object - File Sessions parametersproperties: - name: body status: in: body type: string required: true schema: default: "ok" required401: description: Authorization information is -missing modeor invalid. /users: # binds a127 app properties:logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: users modeget: description: Get user data and preferences type: string # used as the method name of the controller descriptionoperationId: Typeusers_get of session requested tags: - Users enum: [view, edit] parameters: - fileId$ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" responses: type200: string description: Success description: fileId for the file forschema: which the session is being requested responses:$ref: '#/definitions/GetUserResponse' "200"400: description: SuccessSomething went wrong while getting the userdata from json file. schema: default: required: description: Error - status schema: $ref: - "_id"#/definitions/ErrorResponse" put: propertiesdescription: Update user data and preferences # used as status:the method name of the controller operationId: users_put type: string tags: - Users defaultparameters: "ok" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" "_id": - name: body typein: stringbody # responses may fall through to errorsrequired: true defaultschema: description: Error $ref: '#/definitions/UserPreferencesObject' responses: schema: 200: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" deletedescription: Success description: delete file session schema: # used as the method name of the controllertype: object operationId: session_delete properties: parameters: - name: body status: in: body type: string required: true schema: default: "ok" required400: description: Something went wrong -while modesaving the userdata into the json file. properties: default: modedescription: Error typeschema: string $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" description/v1/files/{fileId}/annotations: Type of session requested # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments enum: [view, edit] get: tagsdescription: Returns annotations for a file - File Sessions # used as the method name responses:of the controller "200"operationId: annotations_get tags: description: Success - Commenting schema: parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" a pointer to a definition - $ref: "#/definitionsparameters/SessionsResponsesessionId" #- responsesname: maytimestamp fall through to errors type: integer default: descriptionin: Errorquery schemarequired: false description: timestamp of last $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /auth: request to only send new items # binds a127 appresponses: logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: auth get:# responses may fall through to errors description: validate user"200": session # used as thedescription: methodSuccess name of the controller tagsschema: - User Sessions type: object operationId: auth_get parametersproperties: - $refstatus: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" responses: #type: responsesstring may fall through to errors "200": default: "ok" description: Success results: schema: type: object properties: status: timestamp: type: string type: integer default: "ok" 401description: time of response description: Authorization information is missing or invalid. /users: commmentThreads: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: users gettype: array description: Returns user object # used as the method namedescription: of"" the controller operationId: users_get tags: items: - User Sessions parameters: - $reftype: "#/parameters/sessionId"object responses: # responses may fall through tomarkups: errors "200": descriptiontype: Successarray schema: typedescription: object"" properties: items: status: type: stringobject default: "ok" status: results: type: string type: array default: "ok" items/v1/files/{fileId}/markups: # binds a127 app logic to a route typex-swagger-router-controller: objectcomments get: description: Returns markups for a file properties: # used as the method name of the controller fnameoperationId: markups_get tags: - Commenting type: string parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - description$ref: first name"#/parameters/sessionId" - name: timestamp surnametype: integer in: query typerequired: stringfalse description: timestamp of last request to only send new items description responses: last name of user # responses may fall through to errors "_id200": description: Success typeschema: string type: object email: properties: status: type: string type: string licenseExpirationDate: default: "ok" type: integer results: type: object preferences: properties: type: object timestamp: properties: type: integer preferences_display: description: time of response typemarkups: object type: array properties: description: "" graphicswinmodelbackgrndcolor: items: type: stringobject status: default: White type: string view: default: "ok" /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThreads: # binds a127 app logic to a route typex-swagger-router-controller: objectcomments get: description: Returns comments for a file # window:used as the method name of the controller operationId: commentThreads_get tags: type: object - Commenting parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" variables: - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - name: timestamp type: object type: integer in: query propertiesrequired: false description: timestamp of last request to only send new items dynasnapresponses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": type: string description: Success schema: type: object default: "63" put: descriptionproperties: Returns user object # used as the method name ofstatus: the controller operationId: users_put tagstype: string - User Sessions parametersdefault: "ok" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" results: - name: body intype: bodyobject required: true properties: schema: propertiestimestamp: preferences: type: integer type: object descriptiondescription: usertime preferencesof response properties: windowcommmentThreads: type: objectarray propertiesdescription: "" edititems: type: object propertiesstatus: dockwidgetstype: string default: "ok" type/v1/files/{fileId}/commentThread: object # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments post: propertiesdescription: Add a new commentThread for a file # used as the method name of the controller layerwindowoperationId: commentThread_post tags: - Commenting typeparameters: object - properties: h: type: string description: height o the layerwindow responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" /v1/files/{fileId}/annotations: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments get: description: Returns annotations for a file # used as the method name of the controller operationId: annotations_get tags: - Commenting parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - name: timestamp type: integer in: query required: false description: timestamp of last request to only send new items responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success$ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - schema:$ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - name: body type: object in: body properties: required: true status: schema: type: stringobject defaultproperties: "ok" resultstitle: type: objectstring propertiestext: timestamptype: string state: type: integer type: string description: time of response enum: [ACTIVE, RESOLVED] commmentThreads: ids: type: array descriptionitems: "" itemstype: string responses: # responses may fall through to type:errors object "200": markupsdescription: Success schema: type: array type: object descriptionproperties: "" status: items: type: string type: object default: "ok" status: timestamp: type: stringinteger description: time of response default: "ok" /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThread/markups{threadId}: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments getput: description: ReturnsUpdate markups for a filecommentThread # used as the method name of the controller operationId: markupscommentThread_getput tags: - Commenting parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - name$ref: timestamp"#/parameters/threadId" - typename: integerbody in: querybody required: falsetrue descriptionschema: timestamp of last request to only send new items type: object responses: #properties: responses may fall through to errors "200"title: description: Success type: string schematext: type: objectstring propertiesids: status type: array typeitems: string defaulttype: "ok"string responses: results: # responses may fall through to errors type"200": object description: Success properties: schema: timestamptype: object properties: type: integer status: description: time of responsetype: string markupsdefault: "ok" timestamp: type: array type: integer description: "" description: time of response get: itemsdescription: get a commentThread # used as the method name of the controller type: object operationId: commentThread_get tags: - status:Commenting parameters: - type$ref: string"#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - default$ref: "ok#/parameters/threadId" /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThreads: responses: # binds a127 app logic to a route # responses may x-swagger-router-controller: comments get:fall through to errors description"200": Returns comments for a file description: Success # used as the method name of the controller schema: operationId: commentThreads_get tagstype: object - Commenting properties: parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" status: - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" type: string - name: timestamp type: integer default: "ok" in: query timestamp: required: false descriptiontype: timestampinteger of last request to only send new items responses: description: time of response # responsesdelete: may fall through to errors description: Delete a comment Thread "200": # used as the method name of description:the Successcontroller operationId: commentThread_delete schema: tags: type:- objectCommenting parameters: properties: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - status:$ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - $ref: "#/parameters/threadId" typeresponses: string # responses may fall through to errors default: "ok" "200": resultsdescription: Success schema: type: object type: object properties: properties: timestampstatus: type: string type: integer default: "ok" description: time of response timestamp: commmentThreads: type: integer typedescription: arraytime of response /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThread/{threadId}/comment/{commentId}: # binds a127 app logic to a route description: ""x-swagger-router-controller: comments put: description: Update a comment items:# used as the method name of the controller operationId: comment_put typetags: object - Commenting statusparameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - type$ref: string"#/parameters/sessionId" - $ref: "#/parameters/threadId" - default$ref: "ok#/parameters/commentId" /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThread: - #name: bindsbody a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controllerin: commentsbody post: descriptionrequired: Addtrue a new commentThread for a file schema: # used as the method name of the controller type: object operationId: commentThread_post tags: properties: - Commenting parameterstext: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" type: string - $refresponses: "#/parameters/sessionId" # responses -may name:fall bodythrough to errors in"200": body requireddescription: trueSuccess schema: type: object properties: titlestatus: type: string text default: "ok" timestamp: type: string statetype: integer description: time of response type get: string description: Retrieve a comment # used enum: [ACTIVE, RESOLVED]as the method name of the controller operationId: comment_get idstags: - Commenting typeparameters: array - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" items - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - $ref: "#/parameters/threadId" - type$ref: string"#/parameters/commentId" responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" timestamp: type: integer description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThread/{threadId}: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments putdelete: description: UpdateDelete a commentThreadcomment # used as the method name of the controller operationId: commentThreadcomment_putdelete tags: - Commenting parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - $ref: "#/parameters/threadId" - name$ref: body"#/parameters/commentId" inresponses: body # responses may required:fall truethrough to errors schema"200": type: object properties: title: description: Success typeschema: string texttype: object typeproperties: string idsstatus: type: arraystring itemsdefault: "ok" timestamp: type: string responses: type: integer # responses may fall through to errors "200"description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThread/{threadId}/comment: description:# Successbinds a127 app logic to a route schemax-swagger-router-controller: comments post: typedescription: objectPost a new comment # used as properties:the method name of the controller statusoperationId: comment_post tags: type:- stringCommenting parameters: - default$ref: "ok#/parameters/fileId" timestamp: - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - type$ref: integer"#/parameters/threadId" - name: body description: time of response getin: body description: get a commentThread required: true # used as the method name of theschema: controller operationId: commentThread_get tagstype: object - Commenting parametersproperties: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" text: - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - $reftype: "#/parameters/threadId"string responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" timestamp: type: integer description: time of response delete/v1/files/{fileId}/markup: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments post: description: DeleteAdd a comment Thread new markup for a file # used as the method name of the controller operationId: commentThreadmarkup_deletepost tags: - Commenting parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - $refname: "#/parameters/threadId" body responsesin: body # responses may fallrequired: throughtrue to errors "200"schema: description type: Successobject schemaproperties: type title: object propertiestype: string status text: type: string state: default type: "ok"string timestampenum: [ACTIVE, RESOLVED] typeids: integer type: array description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThread/{threadId}/comment/{commentId}: items: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments puttype: string description responses: Update a comment # usedresponses asmay thefall methodthrough nameto oferrors the controller operationId"200": comment_put tagsdescription: Success - Commenting schema: parameters: type: -object $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $refproperties: "#/parameters/sessionId" - $ref: "#/parameters/threadId" status: - $ref: "#/parameters/commentId" type: -string name: body in: body default: "ok" required: true timestamp: schema: type: objectinteger properties: description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/markup/{markupId}: # text:binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments typeput: string description: responses:Update a markup # responsesused mayas fallthe throughmethod toname errorsof the controller "200"operationId: markup_put tags: description: Success - Commenting schemaparameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" type: object - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" properties: - $ref: "#/parameters/markupId" - statusname: body in: body type: string required: true defaultschema: "ok" type: object timestamp: properties: type: integer title: description: time of response gettype: string description: Retrieve a comment text: # used as the method name of the controller operationIdtype: string comment_get tags: ids: - Commenting parameters: type: array - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" items: - $ref: "#/parameters/threadId" - $reftype: "#/parameters/commentId"string responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" timestamp: type: integer description: time of response deleteget: description: Deleteget a commentmarkup # used as the method name of the controller operationId: commentmarkup_deleteget tags: - Commenting parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - $ref: "#/parameters/threadId" - $ref: "#/parameters/commentIdmarkupId" responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" timestamp: type: integer description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThread/{threadId}/comment: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments postdelete: description: Postdelete a newmarkup comment # used as the method name of the controller operationId: commentmarkup_postdelete tags: - Commenting parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - $ref: "#/parameters/threadId"markupId" responses: # - name: body responses may fall through to errors in"200": body requireddescription: trueSuccess schema: type: object properties: textstatus: type: string responses: # responses may fall through to errorsdefault: "ok" "200":timestamp: descriptiontype: Success integer schemadescription: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/markup/{markupId}/comment/{commentId}: # binds type:a127 objectapp logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments properties put: description: Update a comment status: # used as the method name of the controller typeoperationId: stringmarkupcomment_put tags: - default: "ok"Commenting parameters: - timestamp$ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" type: integer - $ref: "#/parameters/markupId" - description$ref: time of response"#/parameters/commentId" /v1/files/{fileId}/markup: - #name: bindsbody a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controllerin: commentsbody post: required: description:true Add a new markup for a file schema: # used as the method name of the controller type: object operationId: markup_post tagsproperties: - Commenting text: parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" type: string - $refresponses: "#/parameters/sessionId" # responses -may name:fall bodythrough to errors in"200": body requireddescription: trueSuccess schema: type: object properties: titlestatus: type: string textdefault: "ok" timestamp: type: stringinteger state: description: time of response get: typedescription: stringRetrieve a markup comment # used as the method name of enum: [ACTIVE, RESOLVED]the controller operationId: markupcomment_get idstags: - Commenting typeparameters: array - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" items - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - $ref: "#/parameters/markupId" - type$ref: string"#/parameters/commentId" responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" timestamp: type: integer description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/markup/{markupId}: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments putdelete: description: UpdateDelete a markup comment # used as the method name of the controller operationId: markupmarkupcomment_putdelete tags: - Commenting parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - $ref: "#/parameters/markupId" - name: body in: bodyfileId" - required$ref: true"#/parameters/sessionId" - schema:$ref: "#/parameters/markupId" - $ref: "#/parameters/commentId" type: object responses: properties:# responses may fall through to errors title"200": description: Success type: string schema: text: type: object typeproperties: string idsstatus: type: arraystring itemsdefault: "ok" typetimestamp: string responses: #type: responsesinteger may fall through to errors "200": description: Successtime of response /v1/files/{fileId}/markup/{markupId}/comment: # schema:binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments type: object post: description: Post a properties:new markup comment # used as the method name status:of the controller operationId: markupcomment_post typetags: string - Commenting defaultparameters: "ok" - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" timestamp: - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - type$ref: integer"#/parameters/markupId" - name: body description: time of response getin: body description: get a markup required: true # used as the method name of theschema: controller operationId: markup_get tagstype: object - Commenting parametersproperties: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" text: - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - $reftype: "#/parameters/markupId"string responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" timestamp: type: integer description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/attachment: deletex-swagger-router-controller: comments post: description: deleteCreate a markup attachment # used as the method name of the controller operationId: markupattachment_deletepost tags: - Commenting parametersconsumes: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId"multipart/form-data parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionIdfileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/markupIdsessionId" responses: - in: formData # responses may fall through to errors "200" name: attachment description: Success schema required: true type: objectfile properties: statusresponses: "200": type: string description: Success schema: default: "ok" required: timestamp: - status type: integer - changeId description: time of response properties: /v1/files/{fileId}/markup/{markupId}/comment/{commentId}: # binds a127 app logic to a route status: x-swagger-router-controller: comments put: descriptiontype: string Update a comment # used as the method name of the controllerdefault: "ok" operationId: markupcomment_put tagschangeId: - Commenting parameterstype: string # - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" responses may fall through to errors - $refdefault: "#/parameters/sessionId" - $refdescription: "#/parameters/markupId"Error - $refschema: "#/parameters/commentId" - name: body $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /v1/files/{fileId}/attachments: in: bodyx-swagger-router-controller: comments get: requireddescription: trueRetrieve all attachments # used schema:as the method name of the controller typeoperationId: objectattachments_get tags: properties: - Commenting parameters: text: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - type$ref: string"#/parameters/sessionId" responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" timestamp: type: integer type: integer description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/attachments/{attachmentId}: # binds a127 app logic to a route descriptionx-swagger-router-controller: timecomments of response get: description: Retrieve aattachment markup comment # used as the method name of the controller operationId: markupcommentattachment_get tags: - Commenting parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - $ref: "#/parameters/markupIdattachmentId" - $ref: "#/parameters/commentId" responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" timestamp: type: integer description: time of response delete: description: Delete a markup comment" # used as the method name oftimestamp: the controller operationId: markupcomment_delete tagstype: integer - Commenting parametersdescription: time of response /swagger: x- $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId"swagger-pipe: swagger_raw # complex objects have schema definitions definitions: SessionsResponse: required: - $ref: "#/parameters/markupId" - status - $ref: "#/parameters/commentId"results properties: responses: status: # responses may fall throughtype: tostring errors default: "200ok": results: description: Success type: array schema: items: type: object properties: statusmode: type: string defaultenum: "ok" [view, edit] timestampusername: type: integerstring sessionId: description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/markup/{markupId}/comment: #type: bindsstring a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments userId: post: description: Post a new markuptype: commentstring LibrariesResponse: # used asrequired: the method name of the controller - status operationId: markupcomment_post - results tagsproperties: status: - Commenting parameterstype: string - $refdefault: "#/parameters/fileIdok" - $refresults: "#/parameters/sessionId" - $reftype: "#/parameters/markupId"array - nameitems: body intype: bodyobject requiredproperties: true id: schema: type: objectstring propertiesname: texttype: string BlocksResponse: required: - status type: string - results responsesproperties: status: # responses may fall throughtype: tostring errors default: "200ok": results: description: Success type: array schema: items: type: object properties: statusid: type: string name: default: "ok" type: string timestamp: thumbnail: type: integer type: string ErrorResponse: required: description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/attachment:- message x-swagger-router-controller: commentsproperties: postmessage: description: Create atype: markupstring attachment errrorId: # used as the method name of the controller type: string operationIdGetUserResponse: attachment_post required: tags: - status - Commenting - results consumesproperties: status: - multipart/form-data parameterstype: string - $refdefault: "#/parameters/fileIdok" - $refresults: "#/parameters/sessionId" type: -array in: formData items: name: attachment $ref: '#/definitions/UserPreferencesObject' requiredUserPreferencesObject: true type: object typeproperties: file responsespreferences: "200"type: object descriptionproperties: Success schemavariables: requiredtype: object properties: - status polarang: - changeId propertiestype: string status default: "90" typeosmode: string type: default: "ok"string changeIddefault: "663" typezoomWheel: string # responses may fall through to errors defaulttype: string description: Error default: "0" schema: lwdefault: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /v1/files/{fileId}/attachments: x-swagger-router-controller: comments gettype: string description: Retrieve all attachments default: #"25" used as the method name of the controller operationIddynasnap: attachments_get tags: -type: Commentingstring parameters: - $refdefault: "#/parameters/fileId39" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" responsesgraphicswinmodelbackgrndcolor: # responses may fall through to errors type: string "200": descriptiondefault: Success"White" schema: cursorMode: type: object type: string properties: default: "2" status: preferences_display: type: string type: object defaultproperties: "ok" timestampgraphicswinmodelbackgrndcolor: type: integerstring descriptiondefault: time"White" of response /v1/files/{fileId}/attachments/{attachmentId}: # binds a127 app logic topropertieswindowdisplaymode: a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments get: descriptiontype: Retrieve attachment string # used as the method name of the controller default: "0" operationId: attachment_get tagswindow: - Commenting type: object parameters: - $refproperties: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - $refedit: "#/parameters/attachmentId" responses: # responsestype: mayobject fall through to errors "200": properties: description: Success schemadockwidgets: type: object type: object properties: statusproperties: type: string layerwindow: default: "ok" type: object timestamp: type: integer properties: description: time of response /swagger: x-swagger-pipe: swagger_raw # complex objectsvisible: have schema definitions definitions: SessionsResponse: required: - status - results type: string properties: status: type: string default: "ok1" results: type: array itemsiscollapsed: type: object properties: type: string mode: type: string default: "false" enum: [view, edit] username: description: true/false if the layer panel is collapsed type:or stringnot sessionId: typeh: string userId: type: string LibrariesResponse: required: - status - results description: properties:height of the layerwindow status: type: string defaultpropertywindow: "ok" results: type: array type: object items: type: object properties: id: typevisible: string name: type: string BlocksResponse: required: - status - results propertiesdefault: "1" status: type: string default: "ok" iscollapsed: results: type: array items: type: string type: object properties: iddefault: "false" type: string namedescription: true/false if the properties panel is collapsed or not type: string thumbnail: h: type: string ErrorResponse: required: - message propertiestype: string message: type: string errrorId: description: height of type:property string panel |
Content Comparison