ARES CLI Platform is divided in 3 sections, Environment, Input Files and Jobs.
To create a new job, previously the Environment to be used and the Input File needs to be upload.
When creating The CLI process cannot be triggered without a Job. To configure a Job, the user can must select the Input a file, an environment and the Environment. Also the user needs to provide the configuration file in text format on a text boxsettings under which the job will be run.
Environments tab
This page shows the list of Environments (Automation Packages) available to be used in your jobs. It also allow the user to load new Enviroment Packages on Select File button Followed by Upload File.
On the enviroment list, some details of the zip file are shown.
Files tab
This page shows the Input Files available and allow the user to load new Input Files on Select File button Followed by Upload File.
Jobs tab
This page shows the list of ran jobs, showing it status and other details. It also contain the links to download the output files and the logo of the job. It also allow the user to create new Jobs, selecting the environment, inout file previously uploaded and providing the configuration file as text.