Swagger open api macro |
swagger: "2.0" info: version: "0.0.1" title: ARES Kudo API server # during dev, should point to your local machine host: localhost:3000 # basePath prefixes all resource paths basePath: /api # tags: - name: ARES Kudo Required description: Required APIs to load and store a drawing - name: ARES Kudo Optional description: Optional APIs to improve interactions for loading and storing a drawing - name: File Sessions description: Optional File Session Handling - name: Commenting description: API support for commenting panel - name: User Sessions description: Optional User Session Handling - name: Block Library description: API support for Block Library schemes: # tip: remove http to make production-grade - http - https # format of bodies a client can send (Content-Type) consumes: - application/json # format of the responses to the client (Accepts) produces: - application/json parameters: fileId: name: fileId in: path description: The id of the file required: true type: string sessionIdlibId: name: sessionidlibId in: headerpath description: The id of the userlibrary sessionId required: true type: string threadIditemId: name: threadIditemId in: path description: The id of the comment threadblock required: true type: string markupIdownerType: name: markupIdownerType in: pathheader description: Type of the markup library (PUBLIC/USER/ORG) required: truefalse type: string commentIdsessionId: name: commentIdsessionid in: pathheader description: the commentuser sessionId required: true type: string attachmentIdthreadId: name: attachmentIdthreadId in: path description: the comment attachmentthread required: true type: string optionalSessionIdmarkupId: name: sessionidmarkupId in: headerpath description: the usermarkup sessionId required: falsetrue type: string paths commentId: /files/{fileId}/diffs name: commentId parameters in: path description: -the comment $ref: '#/parameters/fileId' required: true - $ref: '#/parameters/optionalSessionId' type: string attachmentId: #name: bindsattachmentId a127 app logic to ain: routepath x-swagger-router-controller: files description: the attachment required: true gettype: string optionalSessionId: description name: Returnssessionid file content in: header # used asdescription: the method name of the controller user sessionId required: false type: string paths: /library/blocks: operationIdparameters: diffs_get - tags:$ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" - $ref: "#/parameters/ownerType" x- ARES Kudo Required responses:swagger-router-controller: blocks get: description: Returns block libraries operationId: libraries_get tags: - Block Library responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LibrariesResponse" default: description: Error schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /library/blocks/{libId}/items: parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/libId" - $ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" x-swagger-router-controller: blocks get: description: Returns blocks of a library operationId: blocks_get tags: - Block Library responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: "#/definitions/BlocksResponse" default: description: Error schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /library/blocks/{libId}/items/{itemId}/content: parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/libId" - $ref: "#/parameters/itemId" - $ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" - in: query name: fileType required: false default: "dwg" type: string x-swagger-router-controller: blocks get: description: Returns block file operationId: block_getfile tags: - Block Library produces: - application/octet-stream responses: "200": description: Success default: description: Error schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /library/blocks/{libId}/items/{itemId}/thumbnail: parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/libId" - $ref: "#/parameters/itemId" - $ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" - in: query name: fileType required: false default: "png" type: string x-swagger-router-controller: blocks get: description: Returns block thumbnail operationId: block_getthumbnail tags: - Block Library produces: - application/octet-stream responses: "200": description: Success default: description: Error schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /files/{fileId}/diffs: parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: files get: description: Returns file content # used as the method name of the controller operationId: diffs_get deprecated: true tags: - ARES Kudo Optional responses: "200": description: Success schema: required: - status - baseContent properties: status: type: string default: "ok" baseContent: type: string description: Base64 encoded content of file # responses may fall through to errors "200404": description: SuccessError schema: required$ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" put: description: Update -file statuscontent # used as the method name of the -controller baseContent operationId: diffs_put properties deprecated: true tags: status: - ARES Kudo Optional parameters: type: string - name: body defaultin: "ok"body baseContentrequired: true schema: type: string required: description: Base64 encoded content of file- baseContent properties: # responses may fall through to errors "404": baseContent: description: Error type: string schema: $refdescription: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" put:Base64 encoded content of file descriptionresponses: Update file content "200": # used as the method name of the controller description: Success operationId: diffs_put tagsschema: - ARES Kudo Required required: parameters: - status name: body in: body - changeId required: true properties: schema: status: required: type: string - baseContent propertiesdefault: "ok" baseContent changeId: type: string # responses may fall through to errors description: Base64 encoded content of file default: description: Error responses: schema: "200": $ref: description"#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /files: Success parameters: - schema$ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" x-swagger-router-controller: files requiredpost: description: Create/Update a file - status # used as the method name of the controller - changeId operationId: post_file tags: properties: - ARES Kudo Required statusconsumes: - multipart/form-data typeparameters: string - in: header default: "ok" name: fileId changeIddescription: ID of the file (New file will be created if this value is not specified) type: string required: #false responses may fall through to errors defaulttype: string - descriptionin: ErrorformData schemaname: file $refrequired: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"true /files: parameters: type: file - $ref: '#/parameters/optionalSessionId' responses: x-swagger-router-controller: files post"200": description: Create/Update a file description: Success # used as the method name ofschema: the controller operationId: post_file tagsrequired: - ARES Kudo Required - id consumes: - multipart/form-data filename parameters: - in:isNewFile header name: fileId - changeId description: ID of the file (Newproperties: file will be created if this value is not specified) id: required: false type: string - in: formData filename: name: file type: string required: true typeisNewFile: file responses: "200"type: boolean description: Success changeId: schema: type: string required: # responses may fall through to errors - id default: - filename description: Error schema: - isNewFile $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" - changeId/files/{fileId}/data: parameters: - properties:$ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" # id:binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: files typeget: string description: Returns file content filename: # used as the method name of the controller typeoperationId: stringdata_get tags: isNewFile: - ARES Kudo Required produces: type: boolean - application/octet-stream responses: changeId: "200": typedescription: stringSuccess # responses may fall through to errors default"404": description: Error schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /files/{fileId}/data: parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/fileId' - $ref: '#/parameters/optionalSessionId'xref/search: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: files getpost: description: Returns fileXRef contentsearch # used as the method name of the controller operationId: dataxref_getsearch tags: - ARES Kudo RequiredOptional producesparameters: - application/octet-stream$ref: "#/parameters/fileId" responses: - $ref: "200":"#/parameters/optionalSessionId" - descriptionname: Successbody # responses mayin: fallbody through to errors "404":required: true descriptionschema: Error schemarequired: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" - path /files/{fileId}/xref/search: # binds a127 appproperties: logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: files postpath: description: XRef search #type: array used as the method name of the controller operationId: xref_search description: xrefs paths to search tags: - ARES Kudo Optional items: parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/fileId' type: string - $ref: '#/parameters/optionalSessionId' responses: - name"200": body indescription: bodySuccess requiredschema: true schematype: array required items: -type: object path properties: path: type: arraystring descriptionfiles: xrefs paths to search type: array items: type: string object responses: "200"properties: description: Success schema"_id": type: array type: string items: # responses may fall through to errors type: object default: properties: description: Error schema: path: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /files/{fileId}/preview: type:# stringbinds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: files filespost: description: Optionally handle receiving updates previews type:# arrayused as the method name of the controller operationId: preview_post items: tags: - ARES Kudo Optional type parameters: object - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - properties$ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" - in: formData "_id"name: file required: true type: stringfile # responses may fall through to errorsresponses: default"200": description: ErrorSuccess schema: $reftype: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"object /files/{fileId}/preview: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: files properties: post: description: Optionally handle receiving updatesstatus: previews # used as the method name of the controller type: string operationId: preview_post tags: default: "ok" - ARES Kudo Optional # responses may fall through parameters:to errors - $refdefault: '#/parameters/fileId' - $refdescription: '#/parameters/optionalSessionId'Error - inschema: formData name$ref: file"#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /files/{fileId}/info: # binds required:a127 trueapp logic to a route typex-swagger-router-controller: filefiles responsesget: description: Returns "200":file information # used as description:the Successmethod name of the controller schemaoperationId: info_get tags: type: object - ARES Kudo Required propertiesparameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" status: - $ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" responses: type: string "200": defaultdescription: "ok"Success # responses mayschema: fall through to errors defaultrequired: description: Error - status schema: type: object $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" properties: status: /files/{fileId}/info: # binds a127 app logic totype: astring route x-swagger-router-controller: files get: descriptiondefault: Returns"ok" file information # used as the method name of the controllerfilename: operationId: info_get tags: type: string - ARES Kudo Required folderId: parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/fileId' type: string - $ref: '#/parameters/optionalSessionId' responses: owner: "200": descriptiontype: Successstring # responses schema:may fall through to errors required"401": description: User is not -autenticated status type: objectschema: properties$ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "404": status: description: File is not found type: string schema: default$ref: "ok#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /files/{fileId}/session: # binds a127 app logic to a filename:route parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" type: string - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" x-swagger-router-controller: files_sessions folderIdget: description: get file sessions # type:used stringas the method name of the controller owneroperationId: session_get tags: - type:File stringSessions # responses may fall through to errorsresponses: "401200": description: User is notSuccess autenticated schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" a pointer to a definition "404": description$ref: File is not found"#/definitions/SessionsResponse" # responses may fall through schema:to errors $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" /files/{fileId}/sessiondefault: # binds a127 app logicdescription: toError a route parameters: schema: - $ref: '#/parameters/fileId' - $ref: '"#/parametersdefinitions/sessionId'ErrorResponse" x-swagger-router-controller: files_sessionspost: getdescription: Create file session. Sessions need description: get file sessionsto be either of type "view" or "edit" # used as the method name of the controller operationId: session_getpost tags: - File Sessions responsesparameters: - name: body "200": in: body descriptionrequired: Successtrue schema: required: # a pointer to a- definitionmode $refproperties: "#/definitions/SessionsResponse" # responses may fallmode: through to errors default: type: string description: Error schemadescription: Type of session requested $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" postenum: [view, edit] description: Create file session. Sessions need to be eitherfileId: of type "view" or "edit" # used as the method nametype: ofstring the controller operationId: session_post tagsdescription: fileId for the file for which the session -is Filebeing Sessionsrequested parametersresponses: - name"200": body indescription: bodySuccess requiredschema: true schemarequired: - required:status - mode"_id" properties: modestatus: type: string descriptiondefault: Type"ok" of session requested enum: [view, edit]"_id": fileIdtype: string # responses may fall through to errors type: string default: description: fileIdError for the file for which the session is being requested schema: responses: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" "200"delete: description: Successdelete file session # used schema:as the method name of the controller requiredoperationId: session_delete parameters: - status - name: body in: -body "_id" required: true properties: schema: status: required: type: string - mode defaultproperties: "ok" "_id"mode: type: string # responses may fall through to errors description: Type of session requested defaultenum: [view, edit] tags: description: Error - File Sessions schema: responses: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" 200": delete: description: deleteSuccess file session # used asschema: the method name of the controller operationId: session_delete # a pointer to a definition parameters: - name$ref: body"#/definitions/SessionsResponse" # responses in:may bodyfall through to errors required default: true schemadescription: Error requiredschema: $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" - mode /auth: # binds a127 app logic to a properties:route x-swagger-router-controller: auth modeget: description: validate user session type:# stringused as the method name of the controller tags: description: Type of session requested - User Sessions operationId: auth_get enumparameters: [view, edit] - tags$ref: "#/parameters/optionalSessionId" responses: - File Sessions # responses: may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: #type: object a pointer to a definition properties: $ref: "#/definitions/SessionsResponse" status: # responses may fall through to errors defaulttype: string description default: Error"ok" 401: schema: description: Authorization information is missing $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"or invalid. /authusers: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: authusers get: description: validateReturns user sessionobject # used as the method name of the controller tagsoperationId: users_get tags: - User Sessions - operationId: auth_getUser Sessions parameters: - $ref: '"#/parameters/optionalSessionId'sessionId" responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" 401: results: description: Authorization information is missing or invalid. /users: type: array # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: users getitems: description: Returns user object # used astype: theobject method name of the controller operationId: users_get tagsproperties: - User Sessions parameters: fname: - $ref: '#/parameters/sessionId' responses: type: #string responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Successfirst name schema: typesurname: object properties: type: string status: typedescription: stringlast name of user default: "ok" "_id": results: type: string type: array itemsemail: type: objectstring propertieslicenseExpirationDate: fnametype: integer typepreferences: string descriptiontype: first nameobject surnameproperties: typepreferences_display: string descriptiontype: lastobject name of user "_id"properties: type: string graphicswinmodelbackgrndcolor: email: type: string type: string default: White licenseExpirationDate: view: type: integer type: object preferences: window: type: object propertiestype: object preferences_displayvariables: type: object properties: dynasnap: graphicswinmodelbackgrndcolor: type: string type: string default: "63" put: default: White description: Returns user object # used as the method name of the controller view: operationId: users_put tags: - User Sessions typeparameters: object - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - name: body window: in: body required: true typeschema: object properties: variablespreferences: type: object type: object description: user preferences properties: properties: window: dynasnap: type: object properties: type: string edit: default: "63" puttype: object description: Returns user object # used as the method name of the controller properties: operationId: users_put tags: - User Sessions dockwidgets: parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/sessionId' - name: body type: object in: body required: true properties: schema: properties: preferenceslayerwindow: type: object type: object description: user preferences properties: properties: window: type: object h: properties: edittype: string type: object description: height o the layerwindow responses: properties: # responses may fall through to errors "200": dockwidgets: description: Success schema: type: object properties: propertiesstatus: type: string layerwindow: default: "ok" /v1/files/{fileId}/annotations: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments typeget: object description: Returns annotations for a file # used as the method name of the controller propertiesoperationId: annotations_get tags: - Commenting parameters: - h$ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - name: timestamp type: integer type: string in: query required: false description: timestamp of last request description: height o the layerwindow to only send new items responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" /v1/files/{fileId}/annotations: # binds a127 app logic to a routeresults: x-swagger-router-controller: comments get: descriptiontype: Returnsobject annotations for a file # used as the method name ofproperties: the controller operationId: annotations_get tags: timestamp: - Commenting parameters: - $reftype: '#/parameters/fileId'integer - $ref: '#/parameters/sessionId' - namedescription: timestamptime of response type: integer incommmentThreads: query required: false descriptiontype: timestamparray of last request to only send new items responses: # responses may fall through to errorsdescription: "" "200": descriptionitems: Success schema: type: object properties: markups: status: type: array type: string defaultdescription: "ok" results: items: type: object type: object properties: timestampstatus: type: integerstring descriptiondefault: time"ok" of response /v1/files/{fileId}/markups: # binds a127 app logic to a route commmentThreadsx-swagger-router-controller: comments get: description: Returns markups for a file type: array # used as the method name of the controller operationId: markups_get description: "" tags: - Commenting itemsparameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" type: object - name: timestamp markupstype: integer in: query type: array required: false description: timestamp of last request to only description:send ""new items responses: # responses may fall items:through to errors "200": typedescription: objectSuccess schema: status: type: object properties: type: string status: default: "ok" /v1/files/{fileId}/markups: type: #string binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments get:default: "ok" description: Returns markups for a file results: # used as the method name of the controller type: object operationId: markups_get tags: properties: - Commenting parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/fileId'timestamp: - $ref: '#/parameters/sessionId' - nametype: timestampinteger type: integer description: time of in:response query required: false markups: description: timestamp of last request to only send new items responsestype: array # responses may fall through to errors description: "200": description: Success items: schema: type: object type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThreads: # binds a127 app logic to a route results: x-swagger-router-controller: comments get: typedescription: objectReturns comments for a file # used as the method name properties:of the controller operationId: commentThreads_get timestamptags: - Commenting typeparameters: integer - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - description: time of response$ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - name: timestamp markupstype: integer in: query type: array required: false description: timestamp of last request to only description:send ""new items responses: # responses may fall items:through to errors "200": typedescription: objectSuccess schema: status: type: object properties: type: string status: default: "ok" /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThreads: type: #string binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments getdefault: "ok" description: Returns comments for a file results: # used as the method name of the controller operationIdtype: commentThreads_getobject tags: properties: - Commenting parameters: - $reftimestamp: '#/parameters/fileId' - $ref: '#/parameters/sessionId' -type: name:integer timestamp type: integer description: time of in:response query required: false commmentThreads: description: timestamp of last request to only send new items responsestype: array # responses may fall through to errors description: "200": description: Success items: schema: type: object type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThread: # binds a127 app logic to a results:route x-swagger-router-controller: comments typepost: object description: Add a new commentThread for a file properties: # used as the method name of the controller timestampoperationId: commentThread_post tags: - Commenting type: integer parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" description: time of- response $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - name: body commmentThreads: in: body required: true type: array schema: type: object description: "" properties: items: title: type: objectstring status: text: type: string defaultstate: "ok" /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThread: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: commentstype: string post: description: Add a new commentThread for a fileenum: [ACTIVE, RESOLVED] # used as the method name ofids: the controller operationId: commentThread_post tagstype: array - Commenting parametersitems: - $ref: '#/parameters/fileId' type: string - $refresponses: '#/parameters/sessionId' # -responses name:may bodyfall through to errors in "200": body requireddescription: trueSuccess schema: type: object properties: titlestatus: type: string text default: "ok" timestamp: type: string statetype: integer type description: stringtime of response /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThread/{threadId}: # binds a127 app logic to enum: [ACTIVE, RESOLVED]a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments put: ids: description: Update a commentThread # used as the method type:name arrayof the controller operationId: commentThread_put itemstags: - Commenting parameters: type: string - responses$ref: "#/parameters/fileId" # responses- may fall through to errors$ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - $ref: "200#/parameters/threadId": - descriptionname: Successbody schemain: body typerequired: objecttrue propertiesschema: statustype: object properties: type: string title: default: "ok" type: string timestamp: text: type: integer type: string description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThread/{threadId} ids: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: commentstype: array put: descriptionitems: Update a commentThread # used as the method name of thetype: controllerstring operationIdresponses: commentThread_put tags: # responses may fall through to errors - Commenting "200": parameters: - $refdescription: '#/parameters/fileId'Success - $refschema: '#/parameters/sessionId' - $reftype: '#/parameters/threadId'object - nameproperties: body in: body status: required: true type: string schema: typedefault: object"ok" propertiestimestamp: title type: integer typedescription: stringtime of response get: textdescription: get a commentThread # used as the method name of type:the stringcontroller operationId: commentThread_get idstags: - Commenting typeparameters: array - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" items: - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" type: string- $ref: "#/parameters/threadId" responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" timestamp: type: integer description: time of response getdelete: description: getDelete a commentThreadcomment Thread # used as the method name of the controller operationId: commentThread_getdelete tags: - Commenting parameters: - $ref: '"#/parameters/fileId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/sessionId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/threadId'" responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" timestamp: type: integer description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThread/{threadId}/comment/{commentId}: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments deleteput: description: DeleteUpdate a comment Thread # used as the method name of the controller operationId: commentThreadcomment_deleteput tags: - Commenting parameters: - $ref: '"#/parameters/fileId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/sessionId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/threadId'" responses- $ref: "#/parameters/commentId" # responses- mayname: fallbody through to errors "200":in: body descriptionrequired: Successtrue schema: type: object properties: statustext: type: string defaultresponses: "ok" # responses may fall through to errors timestamp: type: integer description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThread/{threadId}/comment/{commentId}:"200": # binds a127 app logic to a route description: Success x-swagger-router-controllerschema: comments put: descriptiontype: Updateobject a comment #properties: used as the method name of the controller operationIdstatus: comment_put tagstype: string - Commenting parametersdefault: "ok" - $ref: '#/parameters/fileId' timestamp: - $ref: '#/parameters/sessionId' type: integer - $ref: '#/parameters/threadId' - $refdescription: '#/parameters/commentId' time of response get: - name: body description: Retrieve a comment in: body# used as the method name of the controller required: true operationId: comment_get schematags: - Commenting type: object parameters: - properties$ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" text: - $ref: "#/parameters/threadId" - type$ref: string"#/parameters/commentId" responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" timestamp: type: integer description: time of response getdelete: description: RetrieveDelete a comment # used as the method name of the controller operationId: comment_getdelete tags: - Commenting parameters: - $ref: '"#/parameters/fileId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/sessionId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/threadId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/commentId'" responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" timestamp: type: integer description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThread/{threadId}/comment: # binds a127 app logic to a route description x-swagger-router-controller: timecomments of response deletepost: description: DeletePost a new comment # used as the method name of the controller operationId: comment_deletepost tags: - Commenting parameters: - $ref: '"#/parameters/fileId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/sessionId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/threadId'" - $refname: '#/parameters/commentId'body responses: in: body # responses may fall through to errors "200" required: true description: Success schema: type: object properties: statustext: type: string responses: # default: "ok" responses may fall through to errors timestamp"200": description: Success type: integer schema: description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/commentThread/{threadId}/comment: type: object # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controllerproperties: comments post: descriptionstatus: Post a new comment # used as the method nametype: ofstring the controller operationId: comment_post tagsdefault: "ok" - Commenting parameterstimestamp: - $ref: '#/parameters/fileId' type: integer - $ref: '#/parameters/sessionId' - $ref: '#/parameters/threadId' description: time of response - name: body in: body /v1/files/{fileId}/markup: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments post: required: true description: Add a new markup for a schema:file # used as the method name of type:the objectcontroller operationId: markup_post properties: tags: - Commenting text: parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" type: string - responses$ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" # responses- mayname: fallbody through to errors "200":in: body descriptionrequired: Successtrue schema: type: object properties: statustitle: type: string text: default: "ok" timestamptype: string typestate: integer descriptiontype: timestring of response /v1/files/{fileId}/markup: # binds a127 app logic to a routeenum: [ACTIVE, RESOLVED] x-swagger-router-controller: comments post: descriptionids: Add a new markup for a file # used as the method name of the controller operationIdtype: markup_postarray tags: - Commenting items: parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/fileId' type: string - $refresponses: '#/parameters/sessionId' # responses -may name:fall bodythrough to errors in"200": body requireddescription: trueSuccess schema: type: object properties: titlestatus: type: string text default: "ok" timestamp: type: string statetype: integer type description: stringtime of response /v1/files/{fileId}/markup/{markupId}: # binds a127 app logic to a route enum: [ACTIVE, RESOLVED] x-swagger-router-controller: comments put: idsdescription: Update a markup # used as the method name type: arrayof the controller operationId: markup_put itemstags: - Commenting parameters: type: string - responses$ref: "#/parameters/fileId" # responses- may fall through to errors$ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - $ref: "200#/parameters/markupId": - descriptionname: Successbody schemain: body typerequired: objecttrue propertiesschema: type: object status: properties: type: string title: default: "ok" type: string timestamp: text: type: integer type: string description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/markup/{markupId}ids: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controllertype: commentsarray put: description: Update a markup items: # used as the method name of the controller operationIdtype: markup_putstring tagsresponses: -# Commentingresponses may fall through to errors parameters: "200": - $ref: '#/parameters/fileId' description: Success - $ref: '#/parameters/sessionId' schema: - $ref: '#/parameters/markupId' - nametype: bodyobject in: body properties: required: true status: schema: type: string type: object propertiesdefault: "ok" title timestamp: type: integer string text:description: time of response get: description: get a markup type: string # used as the method name of the controller ids: operationId: markup_get tags: - type:Commenting array parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" items: - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - type$ref: string"#/parameters/markupId" responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" timestamp: type: integer description: time of response getdelete: description: getdelete a markup # used as the method name of the controller operationId: markup_getdelete tags: - Commenting parameters: - $ref: '"#/parameters/fileId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/sessionId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/markupId'" responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" timestamp: type: integer description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/markup/{markupId}/comment/{commentId}: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments delete put: description: deleteUpdate a markupcomment # used as the method name of the controller operationId: markupmarkupcomment_deleteput tags: - Commenting parameters: - $ref: '"#/parameters/fileId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/sessionId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/markupId'" - responses:$ref: "#/parameters/commentId" #- responsesname: maybody fall through to errors "200":in: body descriptionrequired: Successtrue schema: type: object properties: statustext: type: string responses: # default: "ok" responses may fall through to errors timestamp"200": typedescription: integerSuccess schema: description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/markup/{markupId}/comment/{commentId}type: object # binds a127 app logic to a route properties: x-swagger-router-controller: comments put: status: description: Update a comment # used as the method nametype: ofstring the controller operationId: markupcomment_put tagsdefault: "ok" - Commenting parameters: timestamp: - $ref: '#/parameters/fileId' - $reftype: '#/parameters/sessionId'integer - $ref: '#/parameters/markupId' description: time of -response $ref: '#/parameters/commentId' get: - namedescription: bodyRetrieve a markup comment # in:used bodyas the method name of the controller required: true operationId: markupcomment_get schematags: - Commenting type: object parameters: - properties:$ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" text: - $ref: "#/parameters/markupId" - type$ref: string"#/parameters/commentId" responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" timestamp: type: integer description: time of response getdelete: description: RetrieveDelete a markup comment # used as the method name of the controller operationId: markupcomment_getdelete tags: - Commenting parameters: - $ref: '"#/parameters/fileId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/sessionId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/markupId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/commentId'" responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" timestamp: type: integer description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/markup/{markupId}/comment: delete# binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments post: description: DeletePost a new markup comment # used as the method name of the controller operationId: markupcomment_deletepost tags: - Commenting parameters: - $ref: '"#/parameters/fileId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/sessionId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/markupId' - $ref: '#/parameters/commentId' responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": - descriptionname: Successbody schemain: body typerequired: objecttrue propertiesschema: type: object status: properties: type: string text: default: "ok" type: string timestampresponses: # responses may fall through to errors type: integer "200": description: timeSuccess of response /v1/files/{fileId}/markup/{markupId}/comment: # bindsschema: a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments type: object post: description: Post a new markupproperties: comment # used as the method name ofstatus: the controller operationId: markupcomment_post tagstype: string - Commenting parametersdefault: "ok" - $ref: '#/parameters/fileId' - $reftimestamp: '#/parameters/sessionId' - $ref: '#/parameters/markupId' type: integer - name: body indescription: bodytime of response /v1/files/{fileId}/attachment: required: truex-swagger-router-controller: comments post: schemadescription: Create a markup attachment # used as type: objectthe method name of the controller operationId: attachment_post propertiestags: - Commenting text consumes: - multipart/form-data typeparameters: string responses: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" # responses may fall- through to errors$ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - "200"in: formData description name: Successattachment schemarequired: true type: objectfile responses: properties: "200": description: status:Success schema: type: string required: default: "ok" - status timestamp: - changeId typeproperties: integer descriptionstatus: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/attachment: x-swagger-router-controller: comments posttype: string description: Create a markup attachment default: #"ok" used as the method name of the controller operationIdchangeId: attachment_post tags: -type: Commentingstring consumes: # responses may fall through to errors - multipart/form-data default: parameters: - $refdescription: '#/parameters/fileId'Error - $ref: '#/parameters/sessionId' schema: - in: formData $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse" name/v1/files/{fileId}/attachments: attachment x-swagger-router-controller: comments requiredget: true description: Retrieve all attachments type: file # used as responses:the method name of the controller "200": operationId: attachments_get descriptiontags: Success - Commenting schema: parameters: required: - $ref: "#/parameters/fileId" - $ref: "#/parameters/sessionId" - status responses: # -responses changeIdmay fall through to errors properties"200": description: Success status: schema: type: string type: object defaultproperties: "ok" changeIdstatus: type: string # responses may fall through to errors default: "ok" defaulttimestamp: description: Error type: integer schema: description: time $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"of response /v1/files/{fileId}/attachments/{attachmentId}: # binds a127 app logic to a route x-swagger-router-controller: comments get: description: Retrieve allattachment attachments # used as the method name of the controller operationId: attachmentsattachment_get tags: - Commenting parameters: - $ref: '"#/parameters/fileId'" - $ref: '"#/parameters/sessionId'" - $ref: "#/parameters/attachmentId" responses: # responses may fall through to errors "200": description: Success schema: type: object properties: status: type: string default: "ok" timestamp: type: integer description: time of response /v1/files/{fileId}/attachments/{attachmentId}:swagger: x-swagger-pipe: swagger_raw # binds a127 app logic to a routecomplex objects have schema definitions definitions: SessionsResponse: x-swagger-router-controller: commentsrequired: get: - status description: Retrieve attachment - results properties: # used as the method name ofstatus: the controller operationIdtype: attachment_getstring tagsdefault: "ok" results: - Commenting parameterstype: array - $refitems: '#/parameters/fileId' - $reftype: '#/parameters/sessionId'object - $refproperties: '#/parameters/attachmentId' responses: mode: # responses may fall through to errors type: string "200": description: Successenum: [view, edit] schemausername: type: objectstring propertiessessionId: statustype: string userId: type: string LibrariesResponse: required: - status - results defaultproperties: "ok" status: timestamptype: string default: "ok" typeresults: integer type: array descriptionitems: time of response /swagger: x-swagger-pipetype: swagger_rawobject # complex objects have schema definitions definitions: SessionsResponseproperties: required: - statusid: - results properties: type: string status: name: type: string default: "ok" type: string resultsBlocksResponse: required: type: array - status items: - results properties: typestatus: object type: string properties: default: "ok" results: mode: type: array typeitems: string type: object enum: [view, edit] properties: username id: type: string sessionIdname: type: string userIdthumbnail: type: string ErrorResponse: required: - message properties: message: type: string errrorId: type: string |
Content Comparison