Code Block |
GetFxSystemServices()->GetHostAppServices()->setDYNASNAPSIZE( YOUR_SIZEDYNASNAPSIZE ); |
Note: The ESnap box size varies with the display resolution to the Android device. We recommend to update the value YOUR_DYNASNAPSIZE
with the Android display metrics and apply the correct device dependent multiplier. This ensure the ESnap box will have the same size on all devices.
Code Block |
Resources res = m_ARES.getResources(); int iDynsnapSize = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension( TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 20YOUR_DYNASNAPSIZE, res.getDisplayMetrics() ); |
Code Block |
Hint: Use ARES Commander to get the correct values you want to use inside your mobile application.