Install Android Studio 3.6.1 or later
Go to “File” -> “Settings” -> “Appearance & Behavior”
System Settings -> Android SDK
SDK Platforms
Android 10.0 (Q)
This is your compileSDKVersion
SDK Tools
Android SDK Build Tools -> 29.0.3
GPU Debugging tools
NDK (Side by side) min. 21.3.6528147
CMake (
Android SDK Platform Tools ( latest available version )
Android SDK Tools ( latest available version )
Google USB Driver ( latest available version )
Start Android Studio
Choose “Open an existing Android Studio project”
Select “YOUR_INSTALATION_FOLDER”/Samples/CFx/ARESSimplified_android/
Build -> Select Build Variant
Choose Active Build Variant (debug)
Choose Active ABI (armeabi-v7a or arm64-v8a)
Project Structure -> Project
Android Studio < 4.0
Android Gradle Plugin Version 3.6.4
Gradle Version 5.6.4
Android Studio > 4.0
Android Gradle Plugin Version 4.0.2 or latest
Gradle Version 6.1.1 or latest
Project structure
File -> Project structure
Ensure Android SDK location is set ( by default taken from Android Studio )
Ensure Android NDK location is set ( by default taken from Android Studio)
Ensure JDK location is set
Signing Key for Release
Keystore file '“YOUR_INSTALATION_FOLDER”\Samples\CFx\ARESSimplified_android\app\YOUR_KEY_STORE_FILE.keystore' not found for signing config 'YOUR_SIGNING_CONFIG'.
You need to create your own signing key that is required to compile the release build and to deploy/publish it in the Google App Store.
Note: All used package names are for demonstration purpose only and are not designed for production. Please create your own app and package name via the Google Developer console.
Link: https://developer.android.com/distribute/console