Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
  "messageName" : "drawingLoaded"


Sent when the connection to the server is lost due to e.g. network issues or server-side session terminated unexpectedly.


id - file id of the selected file that is used to download the file (/files/:fileId/diffs)
folderId - id of the folder the selected file is in
name - file name (e.g. “test.dwg”)
path - file path absolute to root (e.g. “~/folderX/fileY.png”)
size - file size as a string (e.g. "11.9 kB")
creationDate - file creation date
updateDate - date of the last file update


When in the server configuration "send-ganalytics-to-parent" is true then we send google-analytics data to parent iframe instead of google-analytic server

We send data to parent Iframe like this

Code Block
"hitType": string,

Where hitType is pageView and component is ‘/editor’


Code Block

Where hitType is an event and for other parameters, please check this

Events you need to register for
