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protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
m_ARES = new ARESDelegate( this );
m_CommonUI = new CommonUIDelegate();
CFxARESInstance.instance().delegate = m_ARES;
CFxARESInstance.instance().start( this );
CFxCommonUI.instance().startWithDelegate( m_CommonUI );
m_ARESView = findViewById( R.id.id_aresview )
} |
File: ARESDelegate.java
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public CFxARESDocumentView getDocumentView()
return m_Host.m_ARESView;
} |
DWG Viewer - Load drawing
File: ARESDelegate.java
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public void documentCreated(){...}
public void documentActivated(){...} |
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private void LoadDrawing(){
m_ARESView.setVisibility( View.VISIBLE );...String fileName = "assets:/Samples/" + sampleDrawings[ which ];
String command = "_OPEN\n" + fileName + "\n";
CFxARESInstance.instance().runCommand( command, false );
public void DocumentCreated(){...}
public void DocumentActivated(String[] layouts){...} |
File: ARESDelegate.java
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public void documentDestroyed(){...} |
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private void LoadDrawing(){
if ( m_DocumentOpened )
String command = "_CLOSE\n";
CFxARESInstance.instance().runCommand( command, false );
public void DocumentClosed(){
m_ARESView.setVisibility( View.GONE );
} |
DWG Viewer - Change viewing modes
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private void SwitchViewMode( boolean panMode ){
CFxARESInstance.instance().runCommand("'2dmode $M=$(if,$(and,$(getvar,2dmode),1),$(-,$(getvar,2dmode),1),$(+,$(getva r,2dmode),1))");
} |
Note: The core also provides commands like ZOOM or PAN to achieve similar results.
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private void SetBackground( @BackgroundColor final int color )
CFxARESInstance.instance().runOnWorkingThread(new Runnable()
public void run()
JNI.SetBackgroundColor( color );
} |
File: JNI.java
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public static native void SetBackgroundColor( int color ); |
File: ARES_Simplified_JNI.cpp
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JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_graebert_aressimplified_JNI_SetBackgroundColor( JNIEnv * env, jclass clazz, jint color ){ ... } |
The DWG Viewer uses a native method GetLayoutNames() to get all available sheets of the drawing when documentActivated() is triggered. All layouts are passed to the method DocumentActivated() of the main activity and a corresponding button is created for each layout. The button is linked with a command expression that is executed when tapped. The command _SHEET_CONTROL handles the layout switch. The native method GetLayoutNames() manipulates the UI of the application and must be executed from the ui thread of the host application. A suitable method runOnUiThread() is provided by CFxARESInstance.instance().
File: JNI.java
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public static native String[] GetLayoutNames(); |
File: ARES_Simplified_JNI.cpp
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JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_com_graebert_aressimplified_JNI_GetLayoutNames( JNIEnv * env, jclass clazz ){ ... } |
File: ARESDelegate.java
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public void documentActivated()
final String layouts[] = JNI.GetLayoutNames();
CFxARESInstance.instance().runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
public void run()
m_Host.DocumentActivated( layouts );
} |
File: MainActivity.java
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public void DocumentActivated(String[] layouts)
for ( final String layout : layouts )
Button layoutActivateButton = new Button( this );
layoutActivateButton.setText( layout );
layoutActivateButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener()
public void onClick(View v)
String command = "_SHEET_CONTROL\n_ACTIVATE\n" + layout + "\n";
CFxARESInstance.instance().runCommand( command );
m_Layouts.addView( layoutActivateButton, new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT ) );
} |