The request body contains all URL parameters as JSON body
{ |
The parameters in the body are described in this table.
Parameter | Description |
auth | API key Application identifier associated with the partner |
userId | partner defined user id |
fileUrl | URl to the file to open. Read only access |
file | Identifier of designated file in backend system (instead of fileUrl; if both are passed file is taken with priority) |
server | Url of the API server |
locale | Set the user interface language |
access | Set the editing or view UIĀ (edit or view)
autosavedisabled | Set disabled auto save (false or true)
sessionId | id send with each API request |
workspace | Overwrite the default UI workspace used for editing UI (see https://graebert.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DAFgRg) |
viewerWorkspace | Overwrite the default UI workspace used for view UI (see https://graebert.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DAFgRg) |
mobile | Load a mobile friendly UI (false or true) |
debug | Provide debugging output and features (false or true) |